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To: Niuhuru

Eh, it wasn’t whitey, the native Zambians went on pogroms against the subcontinental Indians who prior to this had control of the Zambian mining extraction industrial complex.

I expect the same Zambian factions to rise up and burn out Chinese businesses in the cities and generally start the pogroms again.

The Chinese are much worse than the Indians who had been in place... the Indians had lived in Zambia since the British first arrived, many had only tenuous connections to India and Pakistan, Zambia was truly their home country.

Meanwhile, the Chinese have absolutely no interest in settling down in Zambia... they are there for a quick buck and from the first day are planning their exit strategy.

Keep in mind, for the last three decades on a yearly basis... Chinese managers in China kill more Chinese coal miners than all other coal mine operations in the world. The racial supremacy chip on the shoulder against Zambians must make it even more brutal than this shooting implies.

20 posted on 10/19/2010 1:14:18 PM PDT by JerseyHighlander
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To: JerseyHighlander

The Chinese need space, farmland, and more of a breather away from the government. Africa offers this. The difference between the Chinese and Indians is that the Chinese are skilled in cruelty and sadism and have the lack of PC that will make them effective in fighting back. Zambia runs a high risk of the Chinese moving in and so do each and every other African country that is currently fixated on white racism. Or Indians. If the Chinese have the chance to have larger families and avoid the one child policy, they will move to Africa or anywhere else to do that. Africa is a win-win situation for a Chinese who can’t make it in the Mainland.

25 posted on 10/19/2010 1:19:30 PM PDT by Niuhuru (The Internet is the digital AIDS; adapting and successfully destroying the MSM host.)
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