I have been chatting for several monthes on a local forum. There is a woman on there who thinks Obama is not liberal enough. I mean this woman is about as far left as anyone I have ever seen. Yet she is articulate, and somewhat polite and we seemed to have friendly conversations. In other words, we respectfully disagreed. But the other day someone made a really snarky comment about Trigg Palin. The poster called him a retard. I spoke up and said leave her baby out of it. No one but myself defended him. So I said am I the only one who is going to defend this child? The rest of the liberals on the thread then spoke up and defended him. But the woman I had nearly become friends with said Sarah exploited her children, blah blah blah, and she still refused to defend him. Well, I stopped chatting with her. I learned a lesson. With them, there is NO decency. They are liberals first.
“With them, there is NO decency. They are liberals first.”
Amen. Since the socialist worm has occupied the WH I have learned that sad fact about acquaintences I used to respect.
Strange. I went to my local forum and there is a link to Free Republic there now. I bet that is driving the liberals on that forum crazy! LOL