Why not just have 250 automatons from Disney World sit and nod their heads in agreement while the POTUS talks?
I imagine it will include a lot of stuff like this:
“Right now, I'm devoting a great deal of time and study to that problem. And I intend to issue a position paper on that. A position that is at once simple, yet complex, flexible, and above all else, fair to every American.”
“I, um, I , um, ya know, Bush wasn't articulate, ya know, um, like me. Um, I mean, like, come on!”
“Bush's fault!”
“We can't afford to have two more years of failed economic policy! Erm....um...that's not what it's supposed to say...I mean 8 more years of failed policy of which that last two years don't count...um...er....would that be 10 years of failed policy?.... (long pause) minus two...I guess.......CAN'T SOMEBODY GET THAT THING WORKING AGAIN!!! WHAT DO I PAY YOU PEOPLE FOR!?!?”
“The most important thing to remember is, that if anyone, for any reason disagrees with me or my policies, that's racist.”
Mr. Carlson for President!
Twenty minute evasive non-answers to straight up yes/no questions. Blah, blah, talking points, blah, blah. Does anyone at all think it will help the Dems in 2010?
That was epic man - funnier than hell. Glad I was not drinking coffee when I read that.