Posted on 10/12/2010 9:00:03 AM PDT by Nachum
WASHINGTON (AP) The White House said Tuesday the government will lift a moratorium on deep water oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico "very soon" likely this week.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the government is close to having the plans in place to lift the ban that was imposed after the massive Gulf oil spill.
When asked if he was saying the ban will be lifted this week, Gibbs said: "I do."
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Didn’t the courts already do this
How nice of them. You wouldn’t think there’s an election next month, would ya?
It will come with many strings attached...taxes, punishments, statements the companies will have to make, and, in exchange for off-shore drilling, more areas of Sierra Club reign - untouchable areas. Wouldn’t surprise me to see them set it up like deer, duck season with limited times they can.
Don’t bother. November 2nd we will do it ourselves.
A government that can lift the ban, can re-impose it in a heartbeat.
This is pure window dressing since many of the Gulf of Mexico rigs have already moved to friendlier waters, like off the coast of Brazil.
Government could lift the moratorium at a moment’s notice if the President would get off his dead lazy arse and lift it...
No, I am afraid, you’re right...This is a ploy and they are looking for ‘all the right contributors’ to make their contributions first before they commit to any action.
Translation - we're getting skinned in the polls over this issue because of the related job losses.
Why “very soon”? Why not RIGHT NOW?
"It's Non-Sequitur Man, to the rescue!
Our president’s ocassional impulses of common sense are rare and generally stifled. Given his credibility problem, I would advise him to do good things and say nothing-no one believes him anyway.
WTF? Can this guy not speak English?
So in other words, the environmental activist left is king and the American economy can go suck eggs.
Another October surprise—not.
Late October surprise.
The moratorium was simply long enough to make them "feel good" about caring and all, but now they know we all need the oil, so back to business as usual.
The question remains: will the rigs return? Or did we just make gulf exploration too risky from government interference?
When there is a strong element of uncertainty, few drillers are likely to take the chance of spending millions of dollars putting a rig in place, hiring the workers, doing the drilling, and then maybe having the rules changed under them right before they hit oil.
It’s not just that the EPA has put new rules in place which, they admit, will cost an extra million for each well drilled. The real number is probably much higher. The problem is that they know that this government is likely to change the rules any time they feel like it. And if even if congress turns Republican, they know that Obama plans to do it with Executive Orders and departmental regulations.
After all, he seized Government Motors with no pretence of legality. So he might seize an oil rig just as arbitrarily as Chavez. Safer drilling off Cuba for the Chinese. Safer even on the coast of Nigeria among the pirates.
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