But can you picture BO wearing a sweater and having a TV "fireside chat" with the nation?
We saw this fool as the empty suit he was and is. They should be banned from voting for the next 20 years.
Just wait till the pubs have the house and senate. Obama will NOT be able to handle it.
Well, since all Obongo does is trash his country, it's people, its traditions, its Christian heritage, its economic system, and its founders, what the hell does he expect! (And BTW, Obongo knows that America isn't his country. He'd feel much more at home in Mugabe's Zimbabwe.)
He may go Jonestown on us.
The first two terms have the same meaning and are redundant [/s]. I'd substitute "ignorant", "incompetent", or "inept" for one of them.
Pastor Manning was not just engaged in hyperbole when he called Barky a long legged mack daddy. He knew him and his type. The dude’s a 52 round of golf playing pimp scammer. He was only successful with the initial con. He is now an embarassment to other scammers like this journalism pimp.
He was immersed in a culture that was far removed from mainstream USA. His male role models lacked patriotism and armed service backgrounds. He had nothing invested in America, and then went to college and on to community organizing and congress and grew even further from the mainstream. Now he wonders why he, the Boy Wonder couldn’t bend the backbone of the United States.
So basically what we are seeing manifest 20 months into the Obama Administration is exactly what all the “racist right wing teabaggers” warned about — he is a clueless, inexperienced, extreme left-wing ideologue and narcissist who is trying to implement a plan that will destroy small business and the middle class backbone of this country, and he will push his agenda to the detriment of everyone around him.
Told ya so.
The only people surprised by what is happening to this administration are the people too stupid to pay attention in the first place.
Barack Obama cuts an increasingly lonely and forlorn figure in the White House, unloved by his country, and scorned by many of his closest supporters. Not exactly the change he had been hoping for.
Be careful of what you wish for, etx.
Just thinking of him whispering the words, “Rose Bud”,
give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Jimmuh at least knew how to get along with Americans. The US might as well have elected a tomcat to the presidency in 2008.
Right, Barry?
He’s doing great from the perspective of “America sucks and we need to destroy it as soon as possible”.