Banks will get the laws they need sometime after election day, and foreclosures will resume.
Banks will get the laws they need sometime after election day, and foreclosures will resumeGreedy lawmakers hungry for campaign contributions -- "Money makes the world go around -- world go around -- world go around . . ."
But watch this:
WARNING!: The following video contains strong language, but not as strong as what is being heard inside the Foreclosure Factories and Foreclosure-Mills.
Video: Hitler Parody of HR 3808 News
There are also very good links to other entertaining videos
So far, the only real fallout I see is the prospect of millions of suits to quiet title for homes that are foreclosed upon.
Lawyers will be in hog heaven.
Normal, honest people must feel like fools for living up to their responsibilities to pay back the money they borrowed only to watch deadbeats, bums, and parasites lawyering up and squatting without consequence.
BINGO! They will just change the rules and override state laws:
The purpose of the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations (IRON) Act (HR 3808)-- written by Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Al., and currently sitting on the presidents proverbial desk -- is to streamline the recognition of notarizations across state lines. Aderholt said in a statement that the legislation will help businesses around the nation by eliminating the confusion which arises when states refuse to acknowledge the integrity of documents notarized out-of-state. This issue continues to be a problem for businesses and individuals who engage in business across state lines.
This was supposed to have been shot down with Obama's "pocket veto" but if so, like the undead, it will appear again, as you said, after the elections.