The same people who want convicted felons and illegal immigrants and even minors to vote refuse it for our own soldiers.
Frankly there is no differrence between NBP members standing in front of a voting place and this action. Has the very same effect. Dums are pathetic digusting JACKASSES.
the same people who allow CHILDREN whose “single” mothers who vote liberal demonrat and thusly their “children” to vote (where mommykins is still receiving “child” support for said “child” through age 21)
Well of course. Felons, illegals and the young vote democrat. Soldiers vote republican. All they are trying to do is maximze their own voting bloc while minimizing ours.
It’s completely illegal, goes against all of our history and if it was the other way around we’d hear all about “one person, one vote”. But it’s the democrats so we should expect nothing less.