I think that despite your protests, the show has you hooked. One the one hand, you say it’s a waste of time. On the other hand, you just have to know how it all turns out. That’s cheating. If you really believe it’s a waste of time, then who cares how it ends? It’s fiction.
I can understand why you may believe I am “hooked” on the series, but this is not the case.
I’ll illustrate my point. Have you ever conducted a science experience in which you had no desire to perform? You completed the experiment because you were required to in order to earn credit for the work. You did not enjoy the project, but found some of the information to be interesting.
Such is the case with ‘LOST’. I don’t like the series at all. As a matter of fact, I would be happy as a lark if my family never watched another episode. I wouldn’t have bothered posting this thread if I knew they wouldn’t purchase the rest of the series.
The only reason I am seeking information concerning the series is because:
1. My family will most likely view the entire series. Our family watches films together as one form of spending time together, so I will surely watch ‘LOST’ with them.
2. I refuse to be taken on the ride J.J. Abrams and Co. wish to take its viewers knowing that the end will provide little, if any, true closure or an uplifting conclusion.
These are the reasons for my inquiry.