Best check to see if your retirement plan owns any of the securitized debt obligations. You may find you own some of the same things Fannie/Freddie owns....unsecuritized creidit obligations. A lot of people who have worked hard all of their lives will get ready to retire only to find their retirement went up in smoke with the subprime credit default swindle by JP Morgan, Bank of America, and especially Goldman Sachs. This is an unbelievable mess which has no remediation.
So long as there are trees and ink, everyone will get paid. It won’t be worth much, if any, but the paper pushers will make sure you get the right amount of wood pulp with correct symbols on it.
With in the US, the rest of us can be forced to take it, but outside the us, not so much. This is why since 1986 the dollar has lost half it’s value and oil costs twice as much dollars, and other things.