Dear Jeltz25:
You raise valid points.
Several things:
1. The only thing I knew about at the get-go was the historical re-enactments and the photo. I had not delved into the website.
2. While Al-qaeda is still current and going on, I would not have a problem with a “re-enactment” for educational purposes of the Soviet-Mujahedeen war in the ‘80’s. And yes, I would root for the Mujahedeen, Taliban or no Taliban.
3. Of course you are right about Germany’s role in Europe regarding size and economy (making some allowance for problems brought on by WWI reparations). (Allowing one to make thne case that the candidate is too ignorant of history to be elected.)
4. There are historians who make distinctions among the different flavors of German soldiers. The quasi-factually based “The Great Escape” makes distinctions among the types (Gestapo being the lowest, performing summary-executions; the Luftwaffe being less unrespectable, as they had some semblance of a moral code regarding their tasks and how they performed them.) I do recognize your point, that whatever moral forms they have would not undo the basic soul of Nazism. The movie “The Godfather” does a good job of portraying the Italian Mafia in a seemingly sympathetic, almost romantic light, before tearing that image to pieces.
5. Based on the quotations you provided, I do admit that this group sounds pretty weird. I see your point that those kinds of positions put you well on the way to David-Duke-land ... and no, we don’t need anyone like that reporesenting the Republican Party or the conservative movement.
So, overall, assuming the quotations you provided are not of the Alan Grayson variety, and another Freeper would call you on it if they were, you are right. This man does not belong in office. For the record, it was the quotations, and not the mere re-enactment of war scenes that persuaded me. But you made your point patiently, respectfully and thoroughly.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Didn’t mean to come across as too intense or over the top or anything.
I mean it’s almost shocking. The GOP nominated a guy who belongs to a group that calls the Waffen-SS(the very group that perpetrated the worst ever massacre against US forces) idealists.
I’m just thinking back to how moving Reagan was when he spoke in 1984 about the boys of Pointe-Du-Hoc and now his party nominated a guy for Congress who’s in a group that thinks the guys who mowed down hundreds of unarmed GIs just miles from where he spoke were idealists and just yearned for freedom.