My wife and myself witnessed exactly this same attitude, same identical protocol if you will at the Council meetings of the City of Carson in California in 1995 as we attended several of their meetings trying to save the business, the jobs of twenty people the City was focused upon destroying.
Anybody that raised a hand to be called upon for input at their meeting was put down, and if they insisted to be heard by raising their hand again was ushered out of the meeting by security. NOBODY was allowed any input. Multiple citizens were thrown out of the meetings we attended.
It was one of the most incredible experiences of Leftism at work we have ever encountered.
We lost our business, and had to lay off everybody just prior to Christmas 1995.
First of all, this is World Nut Daily attempting to catch up with a story that is weeks old and has been posted here several times already.
Next, the name is Vancouver, not Vancouver City.
Last, the public hearing was last Thursday and it will not be approved until the City Council meeting on the 11th.
What a cranky beyotch she turned out to be. Fascinating.
Could you do me a favor? Call me Councilor. I worked so hard to get that title. I’d appreciate it... and another thing.. Who do any of you think you are questioning my-, err... OUR decisions?
Jeanne Harris, Incumbent (D)
Anne McEnerney-Ogle, Challenger (D)
Both candidates voted in the 2008 Democrat Presidential Primary.”
We need to help everyone learn the Sunshine Laws and push for the right to video every public meeting.
In my local community, one of the three township supervisor’s husband is the township solicitor. He has already crossed the line far enough to cause big problems. I am just waiting my time to let allow the whole mess to blow up as financial transactions have been pushed through in favor of the solicitor’s family members. Even biased zoning laws.
I already talked to the attorneys on the state ethics board and reviewed the bar association ethics guidelines. Now I am just letting the solicitor take a big enough bite to hang himself and lose his legal license in the process. And, possibly be required to return several years legal fees. What a nightmare when they have to reopen several years township ordinances for review and hold him liable for the damages. The key is to make them uninsurable for malpractice coverage in the future thus limiting their power.
Everyone, make yourself aware of the Sunshine Laws and the government agencies responsible for judicial review, and ethics violations. Most important, learn to file formal complaints against your municipal auditors for not performing proper compliance testing on federal contracts administered by the municipality. The CPA’s will be between a rock and a hard place as they do not want to lose their licenses by not following up on known problems! If they pass on disclosure on a known problem, they are liable financially for damages. The tools are there to make the corruption transparent by using their tools against them.
Scare people honest if you must by showing that their individual exposure is not worth getting involved in the corruption. It’s easier than you think.
What a cnut!
The Mayor looked like a wimp.
This kind of behavior would not fly in my town. The council lady and Mayor would be toast after an episode like this.
The radio interview that she did the next day was great (with Lars Larson-there is a link at the end of the original you tube video) He told her that he sent the tape of the meeting to Bill O’Reilly.
jeanne harris needs to be dismissed immediately. So should the weak kneed mayor.
He was her passive/aggressive sidekick.