She asked her employers for "help" legalizing her status several months after Whitman began exploring her interest in the top state job. Meg Whitman and her husband by all indications behaved legally but were nevertheless misled. As most people would, they trusted the person who they paid to clean their toilet.It was blackmail from the beginning -- "Fix this for me, or I will sink your political campaign". She was probably hoping for a large payout on condition she return to Mexico until after the election.When the housekeeper confessed she'd been lying, Whitman "immediately terminated Nicky's employment." Saying "it was one of the hardest things I've ever done," Whitman added she "considered Nicky a friend and a part of our extended family."
The maid decided to swim the sharks and deserves to get bitten.
Poll: Did Meg Whitman knowingly employ an illegal immigrant housekeeper?