They think once Muslims have helped them destroy american, they can conquer them. They cannot.
Loud mouthed feminist’s and homos’ heads will be the first to roll.
Should read ‘America’
Nope they cannot.
"Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may." ~Sam Houston (Some things don't change.)
You are quite wrong. The people who promote Islam think they will be the ones the least affected. Notice how the celebs glorify fascism and communism, because they think they are smart enough to run everything. Then someone like Stalin comes along and purges them. The entertainers will be the first ones stoned/hanged/shot. Entertainers think hanging out in a harem is cool, until they realize how much they are as sex objects.
My real regret, is that we are dragged along as they live their dream lives, living the reality which is a nightmare.