I truly appreciate the posting of pictures of this POS event here and here http://maroonedinmarin.blogspot.com/2010/10/one-nation-of-commies-unions-other.html
I want these supreme fools to continue to hold more rallies like this one. It is good that they are out in the open, so that we can all see and know them. Freedom of speech, indeed. At the same time, these people are enemies of the US: They are - at least - seditious. There is a reason even Barry Muslim-Incognito ensured he would be out of town and conveniently unable to stop by and directly associate himself with the imbeciles at this mental illness exhibition (btw, he was vacationing). But... he still counts on them to do what they do and he does what he can do to buy their votes. No one should be allowed to forget this fact, and these pictures are better than words if anyone doubts it.