Agreed on baby steps
>>Cahill is a Democrat through-and-through
Cahill said why he left the Dem party. Then on primary day he (Unenrolled) took a Dem ballot because he said he had some
pals he wanted to help. He and Patrick seemed buddy buddy
during the debate. Patrick-Cahill 2010.
Howaya Timmy! How’s the family! Did you go to the tiiiiiiiiiiiiime for our favorite hack? Oh shoo-ah. Don’t
worry, Timmy, we’ll welcome ya back to the Dems wit’ a nice job workin’ for Deval or Barack. Good job Timmy.
Your choices, in effect
Your choices, in effect
PATRICK-Socialist D
STEIN-Socialist Green
CAHILL-Moderate D
BAKER-Socialist R
Fixed it for you.