This is from the website, and is in line with what I know about the treaty:
By asserting UN authority over seven-tenths of the Earth's surface, LOST would be the largest territorial conquest in history.
In principle, the treaty would assert UN jurisdiction over U.S. territorial waters, and eventually over waterways within our country.
It would create a huge bureaucratic entity called the "Enterprise," which would regulate and tax all commercial uses of the high seas.
By taxing all efforts to develop the wealth of the seabed, the UN would be given a huge revenue stream, independent of national governments to push its agenda for international socialism.
The treaty would require the redistribution of cutting-edge technology from the U.S. to all governments in the "developing world," including extremely repressive governments.
This is not out of line with what I know about the treaty. We need to find out how this HR3534 will dovetail with the LOST treaty, because we know ALL liberals and many Republicans have a hard-on for that treaty.
These are PERILOUS times, folks, and it is not melodramatic to say so.
And to be clear, I have completely surrendered the hope that the Senate was going to be a calming voice on this type of thing (as it was designed by the founders to be)
When the Senate allows McCain-Feingold CFR, and particularly Obamacare, they can never again be trusted. And there is no executive veto pen to stop this. As the article at IntelHub states (and admittedly, I don’t know THEM any better than I know who and what the President is) this should have NEVER NEVER NEVER gotten to the Senate. Never. Republicans should have turned out to block it, because we had the votes to do it.