He is one of the few primarily responsible for the mortgage/credit meltdown (which drained a tremendous amount of money from middle class America) and triggered the current recession/depression.
He is also one of the few who then sold us all the resulting bailouts which are are not only taking even more from us, but also spread the bleeding to the next couple of generations. And that bastard laughs.
So again, what is the appropriate justice for such a public servant? I have a few ideas on that, but RE-election is not at the top of my list.
If there was any real justice Bawney’s head would be on a pike on that bridge than runs across to Arlington natl Cemetary. Think of all the people executed for treason in history and he’d be in the 90th percentile in terms of damage he has done to his country.
Oh, don’t forget to face his head away from DC.