“the President comes across in the review and throughout the decision-making process as a Commander in Chief who is analytical, strategic, and decisive, with a broad view of history, national security, and his role.”
Ax, the spinmeister, has outdone himself.
LOL..love the way Tapper tee’d it up too:
* Gen. David H. Petraeus tells an aide that he disliked talking with White House senior adviser David Axelrod because he was a complete spin doctor.
“A senior administration official who read the book says “the President comes across in the review and throughout the decision-making process as a Commander in Chief who is analytical, strategic, and decisive, with a broad view of history, national security, and his role.”
“Axelord” is the last person that should have issued the statement.
Any face in this marxist regime can be substituted for Axelbrain, pot, devolve and all.