The numbers will probably continue to improve if she continues talking past the media and keeps campaigning face to face.
Contrary to the analysis of “experts” who think she left the governor’s office because it was “too tough” or “too much work”, she could use the current elections to connect with directly with voters. While they rate her chances low, retail politics is probably one of her best skills.
For example, Delaware is a small and liberal state. IIRC, she was going to actually go door to door and get seriously involved in Christine’s campaign. When real people hear her for themselves, their media brain-washing will be replaced by positive personal experience. ...and then they tell two friends, and they tell two friends...
Delaware is not an early primary state, but she might start doing this in many key states like Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Ohio where raising her favorable numbers will help her defeat zero in the general, and South Carolina where she can cement the nomination.
This process will take longer, but be far more successful and effective than mass media.
If I had the means, I'd go camp there for the next two months and campaign. Do you realize what a Christine victory would mean, not only for Christine but from a symbolic standpoint?