To: Free ThinkerNY
The MSM is going to burn her at the stake.
To: 3rdcoastislander
They are going to try. But that act is getting old. In fact, I believe that the undeserved attacks on Sarah have innoculated Ms. O'Donnell. It's a new ballgame.
16 posted on
09/19/2010 12:43:08 PM PDT by
Former Proud Canadian
(How do I change my screen name now that we have the most conservative government in the world?)
To: 3rdcoastislander
THey would do so with or without this particular (way past) incident.
She was a dumb kid. I played with a ouija board in college. I asked God later on in life to forgive me for that and for a lot of other dumb things I did.
18 posted on
09/19/2010 12:44:01 PM PDT by
Secret Agent Man
(I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
To: 3rdcoastislander
The MSM is going to burn her at the stake.This is the era of the neo-African Colonialist come to America. They will give her a Kenyan necklace. A burning tire around her neck.
42 posted on
09/19/2010 1:53:34 PM PDT by
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