ODonnell should issue the following statement:
BIll Maher wants to move up in the world to be a lamestream media wannabe big-boy, he would man up, put on his big boy knickers, and release the entire videotape of the segment in question to give the comments proper context, and allow people to make up their own minds. Otherwise he can remain the craven attention whore he is.
I would prefer conservative ideas are channeled into the political dialog instead of a mush Republican ‘go along to get along’.
Dear Mikey Wallace, Sorry Pink I couldn't come on your show but my flying broom is on the fritz.
Don't despair. I have sent it to my buddy the sorcerer who says he will put a new spell on it the very next full moon. Write soon Pinky!
see you soon.
Someone please dig up some old quotes from BIll Maher about muslems—surely there must be some. Maybe he will have to go into hiding and we won’t have to hear from him again. Be a nice way to get those blood-thirsty lunatics working for a good cause.
Bill Mayer achieved the pinnacle of his fame when he starred as the voice-over in the hit movie, “Bill Clinton’s Talking Penis.”