You apologists never cease to amaze me.
You tell me. In 200, in a reply to another Freeper, you acknowledged that homosexuality was just part of their sin, and you did the same thing in 211.
You're the expert around here; I'm looking to you for direction.
I'm not apologizing for anything. If you don't like the 'mos, it's no skin off my back. Live and let live, as I say. To be honest, I'm just wondering why you, and others like you, have to couch your dislike for homos in terms of God. So you don't like homos---big deal. Why run for cover under God's hem? Aren't you secure enough in your dislike for homosexuality that you don't need to justify it? I don't particularly care for people who insist on driving crotch rockets, but I'm secure in that, so you won't see me trying to find a Bible quote to justify my feelings.