He is selling out, errrrr, giving away America’s sovereignty and Americas wealth!
D’Souzas syndrome at work.
You know, Obama can support it all he wants to, but somehow I just don’t see Congress buying into this, I can’t imagine the Senate ratifying the treaty, and how in the hell could they enforce it? This is the UN acting like it is actually accomplishing something when, in fact, all it is doing is spending our hard-earned money. And Obama’s “science czar” Loopy John Holdren doesn’t think it goes far enough. He wants US taxpayers to pony up 10 to 20 percent of the US gross domestic product every year to fund this folly. Simply not going to happen. You have to wonder under what rocks Obama finds these people.
The current occupant of the oval office hates this country and wants to take all its wealth and give it to basket case countries throughout the world.
Looters and Moochers of the World, Unite!
I took a quick glance at the doc and no where is “sustainability” defined. I have yet to see the term defined especially in economic terms. As near as I can tell it means doing something other than what we’re doing (which works) that makes the enviro-fascists happy.
They continue to implement thier diabolical scam. UN OUT OF US!
The traitors are at it relentlessly . . .
the plans cited BY the leaders over the last 110 years in . . .
Earth Charter 1992:
In almost every statement in this manifesto, there is at least one vague term that lacks specific definition. What is “sustainable” and what isn’t? What is “economic justice”? These so-called principles are so loosely defined that no one in their right mind would support them, except for those who intend to use them as a cover to justify a dictatorship. Let’s examine some of the specific proposals.
3.a. Ensure that communities at all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and provide everyone an opportunity to realize his or her full potential.
3.b. Promote social and economic justice, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful livelihood that is ecologically responsible.
The problem with vague catch phrases like “fundamental freedoms” and “social and economic justice” is that they sound good but have no meaning until they are defined. Perhaps it is assumed that the global citizens are either so conditioned or so ignorant that definitions are no longer required.
The “fundamental freedoms” in this system do not (and cannot) include liberty, property or privacy; they conflict with the requirements for implementing “economic and social justice”. The only individual freedom in this system is an Orwellian “freedom to conform”.
5.a. Adopt at all levels sustainable development plans and regulations
5.b. Establish and safeguard viable nature and biosphere reserves
5.c. Promote the recovery of endangered species and ecosystems.
5.d. Control and eradicate non-native organisms harmful to native species and the environment.
5.e. Manage the use of renewable resources such as water, soil, forest products, and marine life.
5.f. Manage the extraction and use of non-renewable resources such as minerals and fossil fuels.
6.a. Take action to avoid the possibility of serious or irreversible environmental harm even when scientific knowledge is incomplete or inconclusive.
More vagueness. Who decides what is sustainable, viable, and/or endangered? Who is going to manage all the world’s resources? What would prevent humans from being classified as “organisms harmful to the environment” which need to be eradicated? Who decides when there is a possibility of “harm”, especially in the absence of scientific evidence?
7.c. Promote the development, adoption, and equitable transfer of environmentally sound technologies.
7.d. Internalize the full environmental and social costs of goods and services in the selling price
7.e. Ensure universal access to health care that fosters reproductive health and responsible reproduction.
7.f. Adopt lifestyles that emphasize the quality of life and material sufficiency in a finite world.
What is an “equitable transfer”? Will social costs include the bloated and corrupt world government bureaucracy? Who will decide what is “responsible reproduction”? Is forced abortion an acceptable policy? How about genetic screening to eliminate undesirables? Who will decide what constitutes “material sufficiency” for you, comrade?
9.a. Guarantee the right to potable water, clean air, food security, uncontaminated soil, shelter, and safe sanitation, allocating the national and international resources required.
9.b. Empower every human being with the education and resources to secure a sustainable livelihood, and provide social security and safety nets for those who are unable to support themselves.
How will “food security” be guaranteed? Which resources will be allocated and who will be forced to provide them? What is a “sustainable livelihood”? Who controls access to the “social security” gravy train?
10.a. Promote the equitable distribution of wealth within nations and among nations.
10.b. Enhance the intellectual, financial, technical, and social resources of developing nations, and relieve them of onerous international debt.
10.d. Require multinational corporations and international financial organizations to act transparently in the public good, and hold them accountable for the consequences of their activities.
What is an “equitable distribution” and who will manage it? Is it “economic justice” to force one group to pay the debts of another? Which minority group gets to define the “public good”?
12. Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.
12.a. Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin.
There can be no “social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being” without discrimination. Is every conceivable “sexual orientation” or perverse lifestyle acceptable? What about religions that advocate the extermination of all non-believers? Why should any “minority” be treated as a special case? Isn’t that a form of discrimination?
13.c. Protect the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, peaceful assembly, association, and dissent.
13.e. Eliminate corruption in all public and private institutions.
13.f. Strengthen local communities, and assign environmental responsibilities to the levels of government where they can be carried out most effectively.
Does “freedom of opinion and dissent” include the right to actively oppose the collectivist dictatorship? Does “freedom of association” include the freedom to discriminate in one’s choice of associates? How will corruption be removed from the global government bureaucracy? How is the local community strengthened by top-down “assignments”?
14.c. Enhance the role of the mass media in raising awareness of ecological and social challenges.
14.d. Recognize the importance of moral and spiritual education for sustainable living.
Which “social challenges” and pet projects will be advertised? What “spiritual education” is required for “sustainable living”? Will forced re-education camps be required for those with differing belief systems?
15. Treat all living beings with respect and consideration.
15.c. Avoid or eliminate to the full extent possible the taking or destruction of non-targeted species.
If all living beings deserve respect, then what is a “targeted” species? Who decides? Are humans exempt from that classification?
16.c. Demilitarize national security systems to the level of a non-provocative defense posture, and convert military resources to peaceful purposes
Who will enforce the “peace” and how? What defense will we have when the global security system becomes even more corrupt and oppresive than it already is? Ask the victims of any U.N. “peacekeeping” mission.
Another full-on display of his true loyalties by the post-American president.
This WH continues to astound me: it's either that they are completely politically inept and tone deaf, or they are dyed in the wool marxists intent on doing as much damage as possible in the time allotted to them. And that damage includes destroying his own party.
I gather it must be both, but it is still remarkable. I never thought I'd see anything like it in my lifetime.
I am not giving up my land.I will die on it if need be.