If we can obey authority without being disobedient to God then we obey. If an authority requires a punishment (detention) then because its not being disobedient to God we should serve detention cheerfully. If the school says no proselyting by handing out donuts then we should obey. If the school says we must denounce God, then we must resist.
So, we are called to obey the authorities placed over us even though those authorities are in error.
Further, the witness this Church is making is one of creating conflict where it should not exist. If the principal is reachable to hear the message of Christ’s redemption then its not going to come from these students. Further, the students are being taught to disrespect of authority. This is not biblical and it is dangerous.
Daniel was a model for obedience to the King. There was only one thing he disobeyed and he attempted to avoid this disobedience by other means. These students and this Church are not attempting to be disobedient like Daniel did, they are not trying to honor God by being obedient like Daniel did.
Further, God promises that when we stay under authority we will be protected.
“Further, God promises that when we stay under authority we will be protected.”
You just insist on being an apologist for tyrants, don’t you.
Judas goat, I say.
You make a distinction without saying anything; namely “called” vs “commanded.”
This is the third time I am asking: Please define both words.
If you do not then I know that you are merely using them as synonyms and citing that they “are two different words” as an escape-hole/avoidance.