It's too bad it didn't come out in '08. Obama is now answering to info he should have been answering to during the campaign.
The next Party Night at the White House will be a Pity Party.
Living rent-free in Obama’s and Gibb’s heads.
The truth HURTS, FIBBY!!
Gibbs says the Forbes attack comes at a time when there is "no limit to innuendo" against the president, including baseless charges that he is a Muslim and was not born in the United States. Forbes, he says, "left the facts on the cutting-room floor."
Well, Bobby, all you need to do is prove it. Give us the real birth certificate and open all of the Illegal's and Moochelle's records, including Illinois bar records.
By the way, why was Moochelle squeezed out of the Illinois bar like the putrescent contents of a ripe pustule.
IBD published a very similar editorial in ‘08 but nobody paid attention.
Hooboy. Somebody must have explained some of the big words to Gibbsie. Watching him in a press conference on a topic like this is like watching a 4-year-old try to bench press 300 lbs.
Please, please continue your attacks, Herr Gibbs.
It only brings the article to the attention of those who may not have heard of it yet, and wonder what all the fuss is about.
“Liberals sure are thin skinned.”
It’s actually very easy to push their buttons, but then the commies and the state run media goes into their politics of personal destruction mode.
The truth hurts.....
The Obama mentality and philosophy that was truthfully exposed in the article is not limited to Barack Obama.
It is reflected in the main stream media, the American academy and currently being indoctrinated into our public school system.
Conservatives really need to get that this neo-Marxist, anti-capitalist, America hating philosophy is the basis of all liberal intellectual thought.
If Barack Obama disappeared from the face of the planet tomorrow, every White liberal in America would carry on the cause, preach it in every public school and university in America.
Liberals don’t believe in the cultural, legal, social legitimacy of the United States.
This is why they support the illegals and their criminality, why they support the redistribution of wealth, why they support affirmative action and racial quotas, why they support a defeatist foreign policy and a supplication to our enemies and think every ill in the world is a direct result of US imperialism and our military.
It must be deafening, the sound of all those heads exploding inside the collectivist echo-chamber!
Where there is smoke, there is fire! Forbes has gotten very close to the fire and the WH doesn’t want anyone to find this out.
This needs to shouted from the rooftops!
I enjoey the liberal fascist FREAK show.
Winston Churchill pioneered themethods o f fighting fascism, into 3 categories:
1) Truth
2) Exposure
3) Ridicule.
Its good to see that Churchill’s method still works.
I want to see a lot more of these responses from Obama as people begin to understand how to combat liberal fascism.
It's like they're out in a cow pasture, actually looking for piles to stomp in...
"Gibbs is meeting with Thursday afternoon with Forbes's Washington bureau chief, Brian Wingfield, to discuss his objections. "Did they not fact-check this at all, or did they fact-check it and just willfully ignore it?" he asks.
Someone alert Gibbs that most of the contents of the article were taken from Obama's book (s) Dreams of My communist Father.
It is both multicultural and diverse.
Dinesh and Forbes released the issue at least a week ago.
Doesnt look like this White House is too quick on the draw.
Thin skin and all