It’s NOT about whether Christine O’ Donnell can win this against Coons, or whoever the Dems are putting up for the Senate at all IMO.
I believe what is happening is the TEA Party has been cleaning the Leftists clock for them, and the Leftists, the Democrats, Stealth Leftist RINO’s are taking a stand. Just happens they are taking a stand against the TEA Party using this particular race between O’ Donnell, and Castle as the club to beat them with.
The Democrats, and the Stealth Leftist RINO’s you will note are the ones along with their usual supporters in the MSM that are the ones standing up and identifying themselves as enemies of Conservative principles.
O’Donnell, and the TEA Party with all of our help could turn this whole thing right back in their faces, and help win one for America.
“ enemies of Conservative principles.”
Properly articulated, that should be “enemies of America”...because that is exactly what all these fools are...too un-educated, too self-absorbed in their narcissistic policies to be able to see the train wreck they are creating.