The funniest part is that this action was started by Autodesk. AutoCad is, has been, and probably always will be one of the most bug infested programs ever produced. My dealer came by once and noticed we were two versions behind, even though we got free updates as part of the support package. I told him the absolute truth - “we've learned how to deal with the bugs in the version we are using, and I haven't got the time to deal with all the bugs in the next versions. Maybe when we get three versions behind we'll take the plunge - but I'm going to put it off for as long as we can.”
There’s lots of complex engineering based software that is riddled with bugs.
I’ve got one set of software tools that cost over $40k with a yearly maintenance fee of 15% that crashes often, outputs incorrect/missing data etc. Every version over the last 11 years I’ve used has had some major issue to deal with/work around.
I really try to avoid doing any software updates in the middle of a project. It is begging for grief... What you thought was complete and behind suddenly is broken... In general the only time I do updates is between projects or when I’ve hit a brick wall due to a bug that I can’t find away around. Then I’ll update hoping the bug is resolved or at least different in the newer version. In my experience that works maybe 50% of the time...
I understand completely.
I have been a Corel Draw user since v2. I am married to it for a host of reasons.
You know what we call the first 50,000 purchasers of the latest version of Draw?......Beta testers.
I never upgraded until the upgrade had reached patch C or D. And now, only when I absolutely have to have a new feature, which isn’t often.