Thanks to all who responded with information for me to read. I am trying to get a handle on it. Most of what I read so far sounds like the typical, ideological, gobbely-gook that jealous people cooked up to make it look like they have concerns for our country. If I didn't care about the children and generations ahead I would just be happy that I am old and would crawl back into the comfort of my bed as the country goes down the tubes. Laws like this make Freedom almost a phantom thought anymore.’re not just haven’t had it handed to you on a platter yet. The sustainable growth land use laws in Oregon were implemented in, IIRC, 1972. So...if you can stop it in your state now, you are way ahead of the game.
When we were looking for a little property we had to go the county/state land use people first. We were told that even though folks pay a lot of money for their land, it’s not theirs...they just “lease” it. Too, even if one had 40 acres, it was against the law to put up more than one home...even if it was a mother-in-law home for her old age.
Do a search for Agenda 21. It’s the UN’s desire for the entire world...and in much of the world it’s in effect.
Believe me...they aren’t jealous people. These are folks in our own country...who profess to love this country...who are doing this to us.