To: UriÂ’el-2012
and the only players on the world stage today work for the Evil One.
NOT SO! Remember, we are told to keep busy. Our work is NOT finished until He calls us home. WE, His people. That includes Sarah and a few others on the 'world stage'.
To: presently no screen name
U-2012>And the only players on the world stage today work for the Evil One. NOT SO! Remember, we are told to keep busy. Our work is NOT finished until He calls us home. WE, His people. That includes Sarah and a few others on the 'world stage'.
Our only job is to preach the Good News,
not be of this world.
shalom b'SHEM Yah'shua HaMashiach
187 posted on
09/11/2010 3:42:12 PM PDT by
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