True, but their are adults now that don’t have these skills. How and where do they learn them? Especially in the inner cities. Perhaps at church? Some place where rooms where folks can meet for sure.
Funny how urban ‘communities’ know when their checks are short, or how to cut up a kilo.
It’s like when I used to hire Spanish speaking workers. Their English abilities went way way up on paycheck day when we discussed hours worked.
True, but their are adults now that dont have these skills. How and where do they learn them? Especially in the inner cities. Perhaps at church?
There is a network of Black churches who are now running programs to teach people in the inner-cities how to handle their finances. They have come to realize that there is no escaping poverty without this (and the schools are doing an absolutely horrible job of teaching anything about finance or economics)
Evidently not.Wolves among the sheeple.
Someplace like: