If the repubs gain 100 seats in the house and 13-15 in the senate it won't be business as usual. There will be a huge majority in the house, and these new members are CONSERVATIVES, not RINOS. Who knows if they will even elect Boehner as speaker. It might be one of the young guns. In any case, it will be a much different house, maybe even a radical house, unencumbered by "the ways of Washington". The dems will be a ragtag, dispirited rump. The election will kick the stuffing out of them, they will spend their time fighting and blaming each other.
The senate will also look different. I expect a repub majority, once again the new faces will be very conservative. The remaining dem senators will also be a dispirited bunch.
The economy is not going to get any better. Hussein is not going to change any of his policies. As it is, the more people hear and see him, the less popular he becomes. And he is determined to push himself into the public arena as much as he can. He will become less and less popular. As Issa exposes his crimes the people will speak loudly and demand justice.
That's how I see it. I can dream, can't I?