This article chaps my @ss. We (freepers) told everyone that Obama hates America and is bent on her destruction. They called us racists and Islamophobists.
Now they get the picture by reading what Obama Sr. wrote and realizing WHERE Obama spent his formulative years?! Now?!
Obama declared his candidacy in February of 2007. They had nearly TWO YEARS to research what we were telling them.
“Better late than never” doesn’t apply here either because the POS is alreay in office and already remaking America into his vision of what she should be.
I hate to sound like Bill Paxton in Aliens, but “Game Over, man! Game Over!” Significant damage has been done. And we can’t nuke the SOB from orbit as the only way to be sure he’s out of power.
B.S. Obama wants and tried for a Public Option in H/C. A Public Option is the first step to nationalizing H/C because insurance companies are unable to compete long term with the government insurance. He absolutely does want to nationalize H/C. He just couldn't get it by the American people.