Yep, that's where this is headed. I have OnStar on my truck and get a diagnostics report by email once per month which includes psi on all four tires. So, the technology is available to monitor tire pressure as well as other attributes such as emissions. It's all about the money and controlling other peoples lives.
I drive a 1991 Buick.
It,potentially, will keep running for as long as I'll need a car - (I'm officially an antique, myself, this year.)
I would rather keep this car running than get a later model.
Can they ‘check’ my cars tire pressure any way other than actual, hands on?
I am driving an old car with 318k miles on it. I am NOT going to buy a new car with all that crap on it. This tire pressure thing is nothing more than a fund raiser for the out-of-control spending perpetrated on us by the CA legislature.