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To: NormsRevenge

I got this from a friend I went to Parris Island with. These isolated camps/training centers are popping up all around the country. If you aren’t concerned, you aren’t paying attention. If you aren’t paying attention, you will be a victim. This information is hard to believe, however; being skeptical does not serve us well. Living in the dangerous time in which we’re living should make us vigilant and aware of every single thing that goes on! We certainly don’t have the secure feeling that we once had! I pray that we have an honest leader next time that actually will make a difference in our Country!! “ A Change For The Better. “ Our objective now is to survive the remaining three years! Pray, pray, pray that we indeed can! Sincerely,Judy Guy Geeze what bizzzzarro country do we reside in now, especially post 9/11/01....please take a minute to watch this and look at the attached SC real ownership information: For you skeptics out there, who brush it off as some right wing Christian group just making a fuss- I also attached real estate ownership records for York County GIS, Clover, South Carolina- active Jamaat ul Fuqra Muslim training compound. What’s really ridiculous & absurd beyond belief, is the fact that their camp is located on & contiguous to the Duke Energy ROW- to the Catawba Nuclear Plant in York County SC...nice....really, really nice! Abdullah Tauba Sabur....Yemeni national resided in Mingora, Pakistan for 20 years prior to moving to Clover SC. Baitum Noor...Afghani national relocated from Pakistan to Clover SC in Nov 2008. Hmmm...I suppose it would be politically incorrect and un-American to simply throw their butts out of the US.


Terror dry runs over America Terror probes – what you’re not being told
By Douglas J. Hagmann 31 December 2009: On August 1, 2001, Hollywood actor James Woods witnessed four men of Middle Eastern appearance engaged in suspicious behavior on a transcontinental flight from Boston to Los Angeles. Mr. Woods’ first public recounting of his observations was five months after 9/11 on The O’Reilly Factor. During that February 15, 2002 broadcast, Mr. Woods stated that the suspicious behavior of the four men “would have been blatantly obvious to the most casual observer.” Investigation ultimately confirmed that the actor witnessed a “practice run” for the 9/11 hijackings. He ultimately learned that all four men he observed aboard his flight were terrorists who took part in the murderous hijackings on 9/11 – and that they were not all on the same plane during the actual hijackings. Fast forward to Christmas Day 2009, when Islamic terrorist Umar Farouk Abdul-Mutallab carried PETN onto Delta-Northwest flight 253 and attempted to detonate the explosive package using a catalyst in a syringe. As some “assembly” was required, Abdul-Mutallab used the lavatory prior to his attempt at mass murder. Note carefully witness accounts glossed over by the media, downplayed or denied by officials, such as a second person allegedly taken into custody while another aboard the aircraft reportedly took video. Intelligence analysis confirmed that Islamic terrorists always use such practice runs, often dubbed “dry runs” or probes to assess operational logistics and various aspects of airline security. Knowing that and having better hindsight after 9/11, why haven’t we seen media reports, DHS, FBI or TSA acknowledgement of such probes prior to the Christmas Day bombing attempt? Was there a practice run for flight 253? What about the second person reportedly arrested, and reports of a bomb sniffing dog hitting on luggage in the possession of a man a witness described as a 30 year-old male, possibly from India, while the passengers were being held for individual questioning by the FBI? Answers to some of these questions might be found in the statement obtained by this investigator on behalf of Canada Free Press and the Northeast Intelligence Network from a passenger aboard the very same flight from Amsterdam to Detroit exactly one week before Christmas Day. While filling in on the Schnitt Radio Show, nationally known talk radio host Pat Campbell received a call from Howard, a passenger aboard flight 253 one week before the attempted bombing. Howard recounted the odd behavior of two passengers during the flight, one well dressed man in his mid 30’s and a female of European origin. While Howard reported the incident, there appeared to be little official interest in his observations. Howard provided his contact information to Pat Campbell, who in turn provided his contact information to this investigator. The information obtained by this investigator is contained in this report [PDF format]. While it is possible that the observations documented in the report could have a rational explanation, the events must be considered through the template of the actions we know took place aboard the Christmas Day flight. Through the documentation provided by Howard, this investigator verified he was indeed a passenger aboard that flight. Further, the description of one of the passengers is indeed consistent with the as-yet unidentified male witnessed at the terminal. The meaning of this is simple: the security of our airlines are being probed and probed heavily by al Qaeda and Islamic terrorists. Failing to admit and make public this tactic is endangering the lives of everyone flying this holiday season – and beyond. We have been proven ineffective in our fight against such probes not by the savvy nature of the terrorists, but by the neutering of our pre-flight security for fear of ethnic and religious profiling and outright failure to identify our enemy and provide an honest portrayal of their objectives. We are advised to report suspicious activity, yet are ridiculed and even threatened with predatory lawsuits when we do, as in the case of USAir Flight 300 in November 2006. The time to identify threats to our citizens aboard our aircraft is on the ground, not at 35, 000 feet, and certainly not in a forensic lab in some makeshift morgue. Had things happened differently above Detroit on Christmas Day, it is likely that government officials, the media and others would be lamenting the continued problems associated with center fuel tank explosions, citing TWA Flight 800 as the last example.


How Leftist ‘peace groups’ are helping terrorists By James Corum World Last updated: January 1st, 2010

32 Comments Comment on this article A major problem in fighting terrorism and insurgency today is the active support certain so-called “peace groups” provide to terrorist and anti-democratic movements, just as they did in the 1970s and 80s. This problem was highlighted in December, when a former officer of Colombia’s FARC rebels, one of the most vicious and murderous terrorist groups in the world, accused the Peace Brigades International, a human rights group monitoring Colombia’s decades-long civil war, of actively supporting the FARC terrorists. Mary O’Grady tells the story in an article in the Wall Street Journal. Although the Peace Brigades International has argued its innocence, the testimony of the former FARC officer is very plausible. If the allegations are true, the Peace Brigades International and related peace groups have the blood of many innocent civilians on their hands. In Latin America, most of the peace groups involved in areas of conflict have a strongly Leftist orientation, which means they are eager to make accusations against the United States and freely elected democratic governments, while maintaining relative silence about Leftist insurgents and the brutality of dictatorships in Cuba and Venezuela. This behaviour of Western peace groups follows a familiar pattern. During the 1970s and 1980s, Soviet bloc intelligence agencies were heavily involved in organising and directing the Western European peace movement. After the collapse of the East German regime in 1989, Western scholars were able to examine the files of the Stasi, the East German Intelligence Service, which provided a window into the thinking of many major Western Peace groups and the eagerness with which the peace groups accepted Soviet Bloc support and espoused the Soviet line. Many of the peace groups only protested about NATO policies while ignoring Soviet actions. In the early 1980s, at the height of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the deployment of new missiles and forces to Europe, I had a conversation with Monsignor Bruce Kent, then the General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, who told me that the threat in Europe came not from the Soviet Union, but from NATO. This was the mainstream position in the “peace movement” at the time. Today, many European and American peace groups are again eager to denounce Western nations while giving a free pass to assorted terrorist groups and dictatorships. They are assisted by a Left-oriented and largely uncritical Western media. The Hamas and Hezbollah campaign against Israel is a good example. When the Israelis respond militarily to rockets fired at Israeli towns, a perfectly appropriate action under international law, many Western and Middle Eastern “peace groups” act as Hamas and Hezbollah mouthpieces and dutifully repeat every claim against Israel without question or verification. Peace groups and their media allies tend to portray Hamas and Hezbollah as the victims of violence, while the vicious terror campaign that Hamas and Hezbollah have carried out within their own communities to stifle any dissent is rarely noted. The Philippines is today plagued by an insurgency by the Marxist New Peoples’ Army in Luzon. Before 2007, a major source of funding for the terrorist group was liberal European peace groups. The contributors might have thought they were supporting “social justice programmes” when they were really supporting a murderous campaign aimed at intimidating the Filipino peasants and destabilising a democratic nation. Thankfully, a 2007 law of the Philippine Congress gave the government greater authority to freeze and seize assets of groups and individuals that support the New Peoples’ Army. These laws have dealt a major blow to the New Peoples’ Army terrorists, reduced the level of violence – and saved lives. As in the 1980s, at a time when Western and democratic nations face a threat from terrorists and dictatorships a large part of the “peace community” clearly favours the other side. In our free societies these groups have the right to espouse views inimical to democracy. However, when speech becomes material support for terrorist and insurgent groups, the line has been crossed. The actions and financial accounts of groups such as the Peace Brigades International in Colombia, as well as a host of organisations involved with violent movements, need to be thoroughly investigated. The Philippines example demonstrates that going after the assets of sympathetic groups can reduce terrorist activity. Western nations need to consider much stronger laws to allow seizure of group assets and to allow victims of terrorism to bring civil suits against so-called “peace groups” that promote violence.

Extremists Online Discussed Blowing Up Planes Weeks Before Northwest Flight 253 Attempt Online Extremists Recommended Methods Exactly Like Those Used by Abdulmutallab By SIMON MCGREGOR-WOOD JERUSALEM, Jan. 4, 2010 — Extremist Internet forums discussed blowing up planes three weeks before the Detroit attempt — and have also discussed ways of using deadly biological agents onboard planes. A private Israeli intelligence company told ABC News Monday there was a surge of online discussions in extremist Islamic forums about blowing up planes three weeks before Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s attempt to bring down Northwest Flight 253. The discussions recommended using “improvised detonation chain” devices, exactly like the one used onboard the Detroit-bound flight. The company has also tracked specific — and in its view — credible plans to attack planes using deadly biological agents. The company, Terrogence, is run by former intelligence agents who for the last four years have monitored and occasionally participated anonymously in extremist Internet sites. Three weeks ago company founder Gadi Aviran and colleagues noticed a surge in Internet traffic from well-known extremists talking about how to bring down planes using combinations of chemicals including PETN, the chemical used by Abdulmutallab on Christmas Day. “These discussions were about the exact same technique used on the Detroit flight,” he said. “There were very detailed instructions on how many grams of chemicals to use, so as to avoid detection. They also talked in great detail about what liquids should be used.” Internet Forums Advocated Use of Biological Toxins From those details and level of expertise displayed Aviran says he knew the threats were serious and sent a warning to his company’s clients worldwide which include in his words, “Western governmental agencies.” At the same time he claims there have also been terrifying online exchanges about using aerosols filled with biological agents to attack planes. Two individuals, both well-known members of extremist forums, according to Aviran, have been leading these discussions which include the use of Botulinum toxin. Botulinum is one of the deadliest substances known to mankind. The two individuals have been participating in Islamic Internet forums for several years and are known to the intelligence gatherers at Terrogence. “These are not kids talking about using biological agents to attack planes. These are two very sophisticated participants who are experts in chemical and biological agents.” According to Aviran, his company monitors 10 main extremist Web sites. The sites use sophisticated security and screening methods to prevent infiltration by Western spy agencies. To gain access to restricted areas of online discussion takes time and patience. Passwords and user names have to be issued, and members are often barred when they are suspected of working for Western governments. The sites allow Islamic extremists to share information about how to attack Western targets. Once an attack takes place there is often a surge of traffic about how to improve the method of attack. Aviran claims extremists “are always looking for your Achilles heel. And when they find it, that’s where you will be attacked. It’s a very efficient and seasoned machine that works 24 hours a day, there’s no union and no holiday.” Copyright © 2010 ABC News Internet Ventures

Read This. I highlighted all passages that clearly spell out how this FATWA is issued to PROTECT MUSLIMS, NOT CITIZENS of Canada and the US. This is NO JOKE. In the light of increasing Islamic Terrorism, it is about time a Muslim group that claims to be peaceful actually speaks up, yet READ THE FATWA: it calls for Muslims to protect MUSLIMS, NOT THE NATION and NOT anyone else from ANY OTHER religion!! North American Muslims issue fatwa
January 8, 2010 Islamic Supreme Council of Canada Date: January 8, 2010 ISCC affiliated Imams Issue Important Fatwa Attack on Canada and the United States is Attack on Muslims Over 10 million Muslims Live in North America Calgary) Twenty Imams affiliated with the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada have issued a Fatwa today declaring the attacks on Canada and the United States by any extremist will be the attack on 10 million Muslims living in North America. This is the first Fatwa by the Muslim clergy declaring attacks on Canada and the United States as attack on Muslims. Following is the text of the Fatwa. FATWA (religious edict) In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful We, the undersigned Imams, are issuing the following Fatwa in order to guide the Muslims of North America regarding the attacks on Canada and the United States by the terrorists and the extremists. In our view, these attacks are evil and Islam requires from Muslims to stand up against this evil. In the holy Qur’an Almighty Allah orders Muslims, “Let there among you be a group that summon to all that is beneficial commands what is proper and forbids what is improper; they are the ones who will prosper.” (3:104) “Believing men and believing women are protecting friends of one another; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; they perform salat and give zakat...” (9:71) “Those who, if We establish them in the land (with authority), establish regular prayers and practice regular charity and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong...” (22:41) Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in a Hadith; “When people see a wrong-doer and do nothing to stop him, they may well be visited by God with a punishment.” Therefore, it is an obligation upon us (Imams) to inform all Muslims around the world that Muslims in Canada and the United States have complete freedom to practice Islam. There is no single city in Canada and the United States where MASAJIDS (Mosques) are not built. In all major cities Islamic schools provide education to Muslim children about Qur’an and the Islamic traditions. Thousands of Muslims perform Hajj every year and travel to Saudi Arabia with complete freedom and respect. In the month of Ramadan, both Canadian and the United States governments recognize the occasion and greet all Muslim citizens. Muslims pray five daily prayers in mosques without any fear or restrictions. Muslims have complete freedom to pay Zakat (poor due) to the charity or a person of their choice. Muslims have complete freedom to celebrate their festivals openly, publicly and Islamically. Muslims enjoy freedom of religion just like Christians, Jews and others. No one stops us from obeying Allah and His Messenger (Peace be upon him). No one stops us from preaching Islam and practicing Islam. In many cases, Muslims have more freedom to practice Islam here in Canada and the United States than many Muslim countries. In fact, the constitutions of the United States and Canada are very close to the Islamic guiding principles of human rights and freedom. There is no conflict between the Islamic values of freedom and justice and the Canadian /US values of freedom and justice. Therefore, any attack on Canada and the United States is an attack on the freedom of Canadian and American Muslims. Any attack on Canada and the United States is an attack on thousands of mosques across North America. It is a duty of every Canadian and American Muslim to safeguard Canada and the USA. They must expose any person, Muslim OR non-Muslim, who would cause harm to fellow Canadians OR Americans. We, Canadian and American Muslims, must condemn and stand up against these attacks on Canada and the United States. May Allah save Canada, the United States and the entire world from the evil of wrong doers. Ameen. Signed by: Prof. Imam Syed B. Soharwardy - Calgary Allama Imam Ghalib Hussain Chishty - Calgary Allama Imam Syed Mukhtar Naeemi – Houston, USA Allama Imam Muhammad Nasir Qadri - Montreal Allama Imam Abdul Latif No’mani - Vancouver Imam Hafiz Muhammad Zarif Naeemi - Calgary Imam Nizamuddin Sayed Qadri - Calgary Imam Qazi Bashiruddin Qadri - Hamilton Imam Osman Qazi - Toronto Imam Saeed Ahmed Saifee - Toronto Alimah Hafizah Sister Zaheera Tariq - Calgary Imam Ayaz Khan Qadri - Calgary Alimah Sister Fatimah Zohra - Toronto Imam Shahid Bashir Lahori - Calgary Imam Hafiz Intizar Ahmed Qadri - Montreal Imam Sayed Sajid Qadri – Calgary Imam Arif Mahmood Naqshbandi - Calgary Imam Muhammad Anees Siddiqui – Calgary Sister Shahana Kamil – Mississauga Mr. Mushtaq Khan - Mississauga Today, January 8, 2010, Calgary Imams will be available at the Al Madinah Calgary Islamic Centre, 5700 Falsbridge Dr. NE at 2:00 PM to explain the Fatwa and answer any questions. The other Imams will be speaking about this Fatwa in their Friday sermons. For further questions, please contact Imam Syed Soharwardy at 403-831-6330 OR email, Thanks

Airlines ground two flights due to disruptive passengers
By Mashaun D. Simon The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Disruptive passengers caused airlines to ground two cross-country flights this week. More Atlanta area news » 3 indicted for bilking Glock Relief group en route to Haiti Ponzi trial begins today 4 fire officers put on leave Top news around the Web Friday an unruly and allegedly drunk passenger forced an emergency landing of an AirTran jet flying from Atlanta to San Francisco. The man, Muhammad Abu Tahir, 46, of Virginia, was transported to the El Paso [Colo.] County jail where he will be detained on a federal hold, said FBI officials. Federal charges for interference with a flight crew are expected to be filed Monday, FBI spokeswoman Kathleen Wright told the AJC Friday night. The incident occurred on AirTran flight 39 as the plane neared Colorado Springs, Colo., AirTran spokesman Tad Hutcheson told the AJC Friday afternoon. The Boeing 737 was almost four hours into the flight, and had 132 passengers and five crew on board. The flight departed Atlanta around 9:48 a.m., said Hutcheson. Around 1:30 EST, a flight attendant reported to the captain a man being disruptive. “He failed to obey instructions to be seated, became verbally and physically abusive towards the flight attendant, and then proceeded to lock himself in the plane’s restroom,” Hutcheson said. Following standard procedure, the captain of the plane made an emergency landing in Colorado Springs where police detained the man. Two F-16s, under the direction of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, were launched at the request of the captain to escort the flight to the airport. Other passengers were taken from the plane to be questioned by police, and dogs and police searched the plane as a precaution. The entire incident caused about a three hour delay. Tahir was traveling from Richmond to San Francisco, with a connection in Atlanta. Since the terror attacks of 9-11, airlines have been on heightened alert, Hutcheson said. “This situation turned out to be nothing more than a passenger who has too much to drink,” he said. Twenty years ago, the way an airline responded to a disruption may have been different, with the captain coming out to try and calm a passenger down. But Friday, said Hutcheson, it is their policy to deal with a situation on the ground rather than in the air. If convicted Tahir could face more than 20 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Another man, upset that he could not stow his bag under his seat, became allegedly irate and made threatening statements on a comment card, causing a Hawaii-bound plan to land Wednesday. A Maui-bound Hawaiian Airlines flight from Portland, Ore., was turned around and escorted by two F-15 military fighters because of Joseph Hedlund Johnson of Salem, Ore., according to the Associated Press. Johnson has been charged with interfering with a crew member, a federal charge. The 56-year-old filled out a comment card with phrases about death and crashing, and he gave it to an attendant who passed it along to the pilot, reports the Associated Press. Johnson, who was not jailed, is expected to appear in court Monday.


Article published January 09, 2010 Bond set for Toledo man taken off flight FROM BLADE STAFF AND NEWS SERVICES
MIAMI - Bond was set at $210,000 Friday for a North Toledo man who was taken off a Detroit-bound jet at Miami International Airport and arrested after making anti-Semitic threats. Mansor Mohammad “Mickey” Asad, 43, of 1216 Ontario St. was held Friday in Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center, Miami, in lieu of 10 percent of the bond, Janelle Hall, a Miami-Dade Corrections Department spokesman, said. Friday, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Beatrice Butchko put Asad under house arrest, meaning that if he posts bond, he must wear a monitoring device, Ms. Hall said. Asad was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest without violence, both misdemeanors, and threats against a public servant, a felony. He was arrested Wednesday night at the Miami airport after Northwest Airlines Flight 2485 returned to a gate after taxiing onto a runway. A Northwest pilot said a passenger was disruptive and made such statements as, “I’m a Palestinian and I want to kill all the Jews.” Authorities said the incident doesn’t appear terrorism-related. Asad’s attorney, Frank J. Gaviria, said he will ask the judge for a bond reduction. Mr. Gaviria said Asad is not a flight risk; the bond amount is excessive, and the incident was a misunderstanding. Asad is to return to court Jan. 27.

New York Man Is Charged With 2 Terror Counts by U.S. (Update3) Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A By Patricia Hurtado
Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) — A New York man arrested in connection with an alleged bomb plot targeting the city was charged today with conspiracy to commit murder and receiving terrorist training from al-Qaeda. Adis Medunjanin, 25, pleaded not guilty to the charges at an arraignment hearing in federal court in Brooklyn, New York. Authorities said Medunjanin traveled to Qatar and Pakistan and that he received “military-type training” from al-Qaeda between August and October 2008. He was ordered held until a detention hearing on Jan. 14. Medunjanin and a second suspect, Zarein Ahmedzay, were arrested early yesterday, FBI spokesman James Margolin said in a phone interview. Ahmedzay appeared yesterday in Brooklyn federal court and pleaded not guilty to one count of making false statements to federal agents. If convicted of the conspiracy, Medunjanin faces as much as life in prison, said Robert Nardoza, a spokesman for Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Benton Campbell. Robert Gottlieb, Medunjanin’s attorney, told reporters after court today, “We entered an emphatic ‘not guilty’ plea.” Medunjanin was taken into custody on Jan. 7. ‘Illegal’ Questioning Gottlieb, who has represented Medunjanin since September, said after court today that authorities questioned his client for hours without allowing him permission to speak to him. The lawyer said that any statements Medunjanin may have made during questioning by federal officials be suppressed. “The questioning was illegal,” he said. “Those statements which the government believes should be admitted will be subject to a very serious motion to have them thrown out.” The arrests came the same day that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian man accused of trying to destroy a Northwest Airlines plane carrying 290 people on Christmas Day, pleaded not guilty to charges in Detroit federal court. As the flight approached that city’s airport, Abdulmutallab, 23, ignited his pants leg and a wall of the plane while trying to detonate a mixture of explosives he smuggled aboard, according to prosecutors. He faces as much as life in prison if convicted. Charged in Connection Medunjanin and Ahmedzay were charged in connection with an investigation of Najibullah Zazi, an Afghan man who authorities said trained at an al-Qaeda terrorist camp and conspired to detonate an improvised explosive device in New York, according to the FBI’s Margolin. Zazi and two other men were arrested in September over an alleged plot to detonate a bomb around the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. All have pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial. Medunjanin, who Gottlieb said is a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Bosnia, told authorities he trained in an al-Qaeda camp in Pakistan with Zazi, another law enforcement official said. Medunjanin and Ahmedzay attended Flushing High School with Zazi in Queens, New York, the person said. In the three-page indictment unsealed today, Medunjanin wasn’t charged in Zazi’s alleged improvised bomb plot. Prosecutors said that Medunjanin conspired with others to commit murder between August and October 2008 and “to commit one or more acts outside the U.S.” As part of the conspiracy, Medunjanin flew out of New Jersey’s Newark Liberty International Airport on Aug. 28, 2008, and traveled to Doha, Qatar, and Peshawar, Pakistan, the U.S. said. The U.S. also said later that for more than two months he received “military-type training” from al-Qaeda. Search Warrant U.S. Magistrate Judge Viktor Pohorelsky directed that Medunjanin be held in custody at federal jail in Brooklyn until the detention hearing can be held. Pohorelsky denied a request from Gottlieb to allow the defendant an opportunity to meet with his family and supporters after court. New York police detectives and FBI agents went to Medunjanin’s residence in the Flushing section of Queens the afternoon of Jan. 7 to execute a search warrant for his passport, said a law enforcement official who requested anonymity. Medunjanin, a building superintendent, surrendered his passport without incident, the person said. After the search, Medunjanin left the apartment and got into his car and drove away, with detectives conducting surveillance from a distance and not in pursuit, the person said. While driving on the Whitestone Expressway near the Bronx- Whitestone Bridge, Medunjanin sped up and his vehicle collided with the car traveling ahead of him at about 4 p.m., the person said. Fled on Foot Medunjanin then fled on foot and was taken into custody by New York City police officers and FBI agents after a brief chase, the person said. Medunjanin suffered minor neck injuries in the crash and was taken to a hospital, where he was treated and released into the custody of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the person said. Asked about news reports his client may have been trying to commit suicide, Gottlieb said, “All the evidence of what happened the day of his arrest had nothing to do with terrorism.” The two men came to the attention of authorities in September during the investigation of Zazi, Margolin said. Zazi, a former Denver airport shuttle-van driver who had moved to Colorado from Queens, drove to New York in early September, prosecutors said in a federal indictment. The U.S. alleged in Zazi’s indictment that he traveled last year to Pakistan, attended an al-Qaeda training camp, and returned to the U.S. with bomb-making instructions. Prosecutors said Zazi returned from Pakistan on Jan. 15, staying in Flushing. He then moved to Colorado within days. Chemicals, Batteries Zazi and three unidentified associates bought components for improvised explosive devices from July to September, the U.S. said in a conspiracy indictment unsealed Sept. 24. When officials searched a residence in Flushing where Zazi stayed, they found an electronic scale that could be used to weigh chemicals and batteries that could be installed in a bomb, according to the indictment. He traveled to New York in September and authorities stopped Zazi in a rental car on Sept. 11 in Queens. They searched Zazi’s vehicle and found a laptop computer that contained a recipe for an explosive used in the 2005 London train bombings and intended for use in the 2001 plot involving “shoe bomber” Richard Reid to blow up an airplane, prosecutors said. Zazi was also videotaped on store cameras in Colorado buying products such as acetone and hydrogen peroxide that can be use to make an improvised bomb, officials said. He later admitted to authorities that he received training in the use of weapons and explosives at an al-Qaeda facility, the U.S. said. Awaiting Trial Zazi has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is awaiting trial. No date has been set. Medunjanin’s case was also assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Raymond Dearie, who is presiding over Zazi’s case. Ahmedzay was arraigned yesterday before U.S. Magistrate James Orenstein and was charged with making a false statement in an investigation of “international and domestic terrorism.” Ahmedzay, on Sept. 17 and Sept. 18, “falsely stated to special agents of the FBI that he had disclosed to them all of the locations he visited during his trip to Pakistan and Afghanistan, which trip occurred on or about and between Aug. 28, 2008, and Jan. 22, 2009,” the U.S. alleged. The case is U.S. v. Medunjanin, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn). To contact the reporters on this story: Patricia Hurtado in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn at Last Updated: January 9, 2010 17:34 EST Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Trademarks

Skip to comments. Suicide Terrorist who Killed the CIA Agents Threatened Terrorist Attacks Inside the US January 10 2010 | jveritas
Posted on Sunday, January 10, 2010 12:25:37 AM by jveritas Suicide Terrorist who Killed the CIA Agents Threatened Terrorist Attacks Inside the US Al Jazeera TV broadcast a video where the suicide terrorist “Abou Dajana Al Kharasani” (real name “Hamam Khalil Abou Melal”) gave his “will” few days before he conducted his suicide terrorist attack against the CIA in Afghanistan and killed seven CIA officers. In the video terrorist “Abou Dajana Al Kharasani” said that there will be terrorist attacks coming inside the US and outside the US. Our terrorist enemies are now greatly emboldened and it would be very prudent that we take very seriously what terrorist “Abou Dajana Al Kharasani” said regarding coming terrorist attacks inside the US. We must all be very vigilant in order to prevent terrorist attacks right here in our beloved America. Link for terrorist “Abou Dajana Al Kharasani” will video. He is the one sitting on the right. The video is in Arabic.{31D7D230-D602-4228-A06C-5FC99ED45EBC}&CurrentMode=published

Obama Ally Code Pink Invites Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Join Us In Cleansing Our Country’ by Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King

[Note: This is the latest segment in an ongoing series about Code Pink and its co-founder Jodie Evans. Click here to read earlier articles.] Fresh on the heels of their Hamas-protected trip to Gaza, the so-called feminist, American antiwar group Code Pink, co-founded by top Obama funder Jodie Evans, is running banner advertisements on the English language version of the official Web site of a terrorist sympathizing group, the Muslim Brotherhood, one of which invites the Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country.” The ad, titled “Arrest the War Criminals” with a subhead that contains the invitation to “join us in cleansing our country” links back to a Code Pink site that calls for the kidnapping of former President George W. Bush, his wife Laura and other former members of his administration through ‘citizens arrests’ for defending America against terrorists in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks by Al Qaeda. The Jawa Report first reported the advertising in a post this morning (January 11, 2010). Screengrab by The Jawa Report. A check by Big Government of the front page of on Janaury 11, 2010 showed three Code Pink banner ads. One near the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom of the Muslim Brotherhood’s official English language Web site. The top one is pink-colored and promotes Code Pink’s “Women Say NO to War!” campaign and features a subhead of “Gaza Peace Delegations & More!” The middle ad features pink handcuffs to promote Code Pink’s “Arrest the War Criminals” campaign. The bottom ad promotes Code Pink’s “Gaza Freedom March” and features a sepia-toned photograph of a forlorn-looking child with a message about the march that concludes with the phrase, “Lift the Siege of Gaza!” The middle ad links directly back to Code Pink’s official Web site,, while the other two link back to Code Pink created Web sites that bear the names of the respective campaigns, and The Muslim Brotherhood published a statement by Code Pink issued in May to promote Code Pink’s trip to Gaza that month. In December, the Muslim Brotherhood published an open letter to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak by Code Pink and the Gaza Freedom March decrying the Egyptian government’s refusal to allow the group passage into Gaza. Discover the Networks provides background on the current status of the Muslim Brotherhood: In recent years, the Brotherhood has attempted to forge a reputation as a moderate and reformist Islamic group that has renounced its violent past. Lending plausibility to this reputation has been criticism of the organization by radical Islamist groups, who have condemned the Brotherhood’s willingness to participate in the political process as heretical. These groups have also criticized the Brotherhood for supposedly abandoning violent struggle as a means of establishing an Islamic empire. However, numerous statements by the Brotherhood’s leadership belie its moderate posture. Ali Sadreddine Bayanouni, the leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, has repeatedly disavowed violence while concurrently pledging his support for the terrorism of Hamas and Hezbollah. Muhammad Mahdi Othman Akef, a prominent leader of the Brotherhood, has expressed his support for suicide bombings in Israel and Iraq “in order to expel the Zionists and the Americans.” He has also denounced the United States as a “Satan,” saying: “I have complete faith that Islam will invade Europe and America, because Islam has logic and a mission.” Many other leaders of the Brotherhood have likewise justified terrorism against Israel and the United States, with many defending the September 11 terrorist attacks against America. Jews are another common object of the Brotherhood’s hatred. Of the Jewish people, Sheik Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, the spiritual leader of the Brotherhood, has written: “There is no dialogue between them and us other than in one language — the language of the sword and force.” Even as it is deemed insufficiently militant by some Islamist groups, the Brotherhood has had a discernible influence on contemporary jihadist terrorism. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the architect of 9/11, was a member of Muslim Brotherhood. More prominently still, Abdullah Azzam, a Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood preacher, was a mentor to al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. A recent sympathetic article on the Muslim Brotherhood was published by the Christian Science Monitor. Jodie Evans and Code Pink attempted to destabilize the Egyptian government by provoking a crisis last month over the government’s refusal to allow all 1362 ‘Gaza Freedom’ marchers to enter Gaza through Egypt. It would appear that Jodie Evans and Code Pink found an ally in Egypt in their opposition to the Mubarak government. This is how Jodie Evans repays the kindness showed by First Lady Suzanne Mubarak who came to Code Pink’s aid after Jodie Evans sent her a letter asking for help delivering the ‘humanitarian aid’ to Hamas-controlled Gaza. Code Pink’s involvement with radical Islamic terrorists and terrorist sympathizers in the Middle East would be troubling enough without Jodie Evans’ close ties to President Barack Obama and his administration. Does CIA Director Leon Panetta know that a close ally of the president he serves is asking a radical Muslim group with terrorist sympathies to join them in “cleansing our country”?


Jan 11, 2010 9:08 pm US/Pacific Unruly SF-Bound Air Passenger Due In Court SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5 / AP) ?
Click to enlarge 1 of 2 This cell phone photo shows an unruly passenger taken off a San Francisco-bound AirTran jet that was diverted to Colorado Springs on Friday. Sam Miorelli Click to enlarge 2 of 2 An AirTran jet. AT Related Stories Unruly Passenger Diverts SF-Bound Flight (1/9/2010) Cops Arrest Man In Newark Airport Security Breach (1/9/2010) Christmas Terror Suspect Pleads Not Guilty (1/9/2010) An AirTran Airways passenger whose actions prompted two military jets to scramble had at least five airplane-size bottles of wine on the flight, according to court documents. Muhammad Abu Tahir, 47, is due in federal court Wednesday in Denver. An initial appearance scheduled Monday was postponed so an interpreter who speaks Tahir’s native Urdu could be found. Tahir, of Glen Allen, Va., was on a flight Friday from Atlanta to San Francisco. An affidavit by FBI special agent Martin H. Daniell III said that after demanding and drinking five servings of wine, Tahir went to the lavatory. He opened the door twice, once to place his shoes and socks outside the door, according to the affidavit. The second time, the door opened to reveal he was shaving with no shirt on. The affidavit said he refused flight attendants’ requests to leave the lavatory. North American Aerospace Defense Command sent two jets to tail the plane, whose captain decided to divert to Colorado Springs. Tahir was still in the lavatory when the plane landed, Daniell wrote. Tahir allegedly admitted raising his voice and pointing his finger at a flight attendant but denied touching or grabbing a flight attendant, the affidavit said. He also said he thought the crew was being disrepectful to him. Tahir, a permanent U.S. resident, faces the charge of interfering with a flight crew, punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. (© 2010 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)


Unruly Passengers Disrupt Northwest Flight 243 Updated: Tuesday, 12 Jan 2010, 5:26 PM EST Published : Tuesday, 12 Jan 2010, 2:15 PM EST
Dennis Kraniak Sources tell Fox 2 that a flight from Amsterdam into Detroit Metropolitan Airport was held on the tarmac after landing because of unruly behavior by some of the passengers. ((Watch the video to get passenger reaction from Fox 2’s Simon Shaykhet.)) The source says four men from Saudi Arabai were saying something in Arabic that alarmed four on-board Federal Air Marshals. The Marshals speak Arabic. A decision was made to stop the plane on the tarmac away from the passenger terminal and remove the men from the plane. Once the men were removed, the rest of passengers were then taken to the terminal for deboarding. The Transportation Security Administration says the unruly passengers were interviewed by Customs and Border Protection officials. But the TSA says the passengers were released and no arrests were made. Delta Air Lines spokeswoman Susan Elliott says the crew of Northwest Flight 243 requested that authorities meet the plane Tuesday after it landed because four passengers didn’t follow their instructions. She says nobody was injured but wouldn’t describe what the passengers were doing. Tuesday’s disturbance comes less than a week after a Nigerian man pleaded not guilty to trying to blow up a Northwest flight from Amsterdam as it was preparing to land in Detroit on Christmas. Fox 2 has a crew at Metro Airport and more information will be posted as soon as it becomes available.


Reputed al-Qaida supporter taken from NY couroom By TOM HAYS and LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Writers Tom Hays And Larry Neumeister, Associated Press Writers – Tue Jan 19, 12:43 pm ET
NEW YORK – A U.S.-trained Pakistani scientist punctuated the first day of her attempted murder trial Tuesday by shouting that the prosecution’s first witness was lying, prompting her to be pulled from the courtroom. Aafia Siddiqui, a reputed al-Qaida supporter, is charged with trying to kill U.S. military officers and federal agents in Afghanistan in July 2008. Her outburst came less than two hours after her trial began in federal court in Manhattan. U.S. Army Capt. Robert Snyder testified that documents found in Siddiqui’s purse included targets for a mass casualty attack, including the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street and the Brooklyn Bridge. “I was never planning a bombing! You’re lying!” Siddiqui yelled as she was rushed out of court. Prosecutors say Siddiqui used a U.S. soldier’s assault rifle to attack Americans during a chaotic confrontation at an Afghan police outpost in the summer of 2008. “She said in perfect English, ‘Get out of here,’ and then she pulled the trigger,” Assistant U.S. Jenna Dabbs told jurors. Dabbs claimed that, during a struggle, Siddiqui yelled, “I hate Americans” and “Death to America.” A soldier returned fire, wounding her in the stomach. The frail-looking neuroscience specialist — trained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brandeis University — has vehemently denied the charges in courtroom tirades. Before the jury entered the courtroom on Tuesday, Siddiqui told spectators that she had information about domestic terror plots, wouldn’t work with her lawyers and was there against her will. “This isn’t a fair court,” she said. “Why do I have to be here?” She then sat slumped in her chair, her face veiled by a white head scarf, as defense attorney Charles Swift told jurors there was no conclusive evidence she ever picked up the rifle. “There are many different versions of how this happened,” he said. The 37-year-old Siddiqui hasn’t been charged with terrorism, but her case has drawn attention in part because authorities have accused her of fleeing the United States to her native Pakistan in 2003 after marrying an al-Qaida operative related to Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the admitted mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Afghan police turned Siddiqui over to U.S. authorities there, along with a handwritten list she was carrying of New York City landmarks, prosecutors said. The U.S. government alleges that Siddiqui, while being held for questioning, managed to pick up the rifle and fire it at soldiers and FBI agents. Supporters of the scientist maintain she was kidnapped and held in U.S. custody before mysteriously turning up in Afghanistan in 2008.

Terror alert: Two men on ‘no-fly’ list stopped at Heathrow

By Vincent Moss 24/01/2010 Two men were stopped boarding US-bound planes at Heathrow days before Britain’s terror threat was raised to “severe”. News of the incidents came hours after Home Secretary Alan Johnson lifted the threat level amid fears that al-Qaeda is planning an attack. The new level, which means an attack is reckoned “highly likely”, is second only to “critical”. Security sources say an Egyptian was stopped last Saturday as he tried to board an American Airlines flight to Miami. A man from Saudi Arabia was banned from boarding a United Airlines flight to Chicago the next day and sent back to Saudi. The incidents and the raised threat level follow the failed Christmas Day bombing on a plane over Detroit. Anti-terror officials said the past week had seen an “unusually high” number of people on their no-fly list trying to board US-bound planes. Security is being tightened in Britain ahead of high-level meetings which will see world leaders including Hillary Clinton heading to Britain this week. The US Secretary of State and other leading foreign ministers will be in London on Wednesday and Thursday for summits on Yemen - thought to be a terror haven - and Afghanistan. Other potential terror targets at the meetings will be Afghan leader Hamid Karzai and United Nations Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon. In a separate move, Immigration Minister Phil Woolas is to give border police more powers to crack down on bogus students trying to enter Britain. Officials will be able to carry out detailed checks on whether they have enough in their bank accounts to fund their courses. Part of Manchester Airport’s Terminal 3 was evacuated after an Asian man in his 20s tried to take a white powder on to a plane bound for Heathrow. He was not arrested. Cameron’s ‘Immigration Con’: Page 26 UK THREAT LEVELS Critical: imminent attack expected Severe (the current level): an attack is highly likely Substantial: an attack is a strong possibility Moderate: attack possible, but is not likely LOW: attack unlikely

Somerset authorities seize grenade launcher, weapons cache from Virginia man at motel By Jennifer Golson/The Star-Ledger
January 25, 2010, 4:59PM photo courtesy police Lloyd Woodson, 43, of Virginia, faces weapons charges. UPDATE: Virginia man had weapons cache, grenade launcher stashed in N.J. hotel room BRANCHBURG — Somerset County investigators seized a cache of weapons including a grenade launcher and hundreds of rounds of ammunition today from the Branchburg motel room of a Virginia man, who also had maps of a U.S. military facility and an out-of-state civilian community. Lloyd Woodson, 43, whose last known address was Reston, Va., today faces multiple offenses, including second-degree unlawful weapons possession and fourth-degree possession of prohibited weapons, Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne Forrest said. Read the update: Virginia man had weapons cache, grenade launcher stashed in N.J. hotel room At the time of his arrest, Woodson was wearing a military-style ballistic vest with a reinforced steel plate and carrying a .223-caliber assault rifle that had been altered to fire .50-caliber ammunition, Forrest. He was also carrying four loaded magazines with hollow-point ammunition, Forrest said. Branchburg police confronted Woodson at 3:55 a.m. at the Quick Chek convenience store on Route 28 after receiving a call reporting a suspicious person. Branchburg Patorlman Steven Cronce noticed a large bulge beneath the green, military-style jacket that Woodson was wearing, which was later determined to be the assault rifle with a defaced serial number, Forrest said. Woodson appeared “extremely nervous” as Cronce questioned him, and he ultimately ran from the convenience store toward the Regency Trailer Park on Route 22, Forrest. Officers found Woodson hiding in the bushes and he attempted to run, Forrest said. Officers tackled him and used pepper spray to subdue Woodson, Forrest said. Detectives later searched Woodson’s room at the Red Mill Inn on Route 22 and found weapons including a .308-caliber semi-automatic assault rifle with a defaced serial number, a grenade launcher, hundreds .50-caliber and .308-caliber rounds, a police scanner, and the maps of a U.S. military installation and an out-of-state civilian community, Forrest said. Woodson, who is a Navy veteran, had been staying at the hotel since last week. Investigators also found Middle Eastern red and white traditional headdress, Forrest said. Calls placed to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in Washington D.C. and the FBI’s Newark office late this afternoon were not immediately returned. The investigation is ongoing, Forrest said. Anyone with information is asked to call Branchburg police at (908) 526-3830, the prosecutor’s office at (908) 231-7100 or Crime Stoppers of Somerset County at (888) 577-TIPS (8477). Citizens can also go online to and click “Give Tips” or and click “Crime Stoppers.” © 2010 All rights reserved.
Suspect in Recruit Shooting Claims Al Qaeda Ties Monday, January 25, 2010,2933,583613,00.html?test=latestnews
AP June 1: Suspected gunman Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, 23, is escorted from Little Rock police headquarters after a recruiting center attack. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The man accused of killing one soldier and wounding another outside an Arkansas military recruiting center has asked a judge to change his plea to guilty, claiming ties to Al Qaeda. Abdulhakim Muhammad’s attorney, Claiborne Ferguson, said Thursday night that his client sent a letter earlier this month to the judge in his case asking to change his plea to capital murder and attempted capital murder charges. Click here for photos. Ferguson said he hadn’t discussed the request with his client before the letter was sent. Under Arkansas law prosecutors would have to agree and waive the death penalty before the judge could consider it, Ferguson said. Pvt. William Long of Conway was killed in the June 1 attack, and Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded. Muhammad has called the shootings justified retaliation for U.S. military action in the Middle East. He told The Associated Press in a telephone interview last year that he doesn’t believe he’s guilty. The New York Times, which first reported the letter on its Web site Thursday, said Muhammad described himself in the letter as a soldier in Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and called the shooting “a Jihadi Attack.” The group has claimed responsibility for the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Detroit-bound American airliner. “I wasn’t insane or post traumatic, nor was I forced to do this act,” Muhammad claimed in the handwritten letter, the newspaper reported. Ferguson said he didn’t know how seriously to take Muhammad’s claims of terror ties and expressed frustration with his client sending the letter without consulting him beforehand. “He’s said lots of things. None of them seem to be real consistent with each other,” Ferguson said. “I’m a little irritated with it.” Pulaski County Prosecutor Larry Jegley did not immediately return a message left on his cell phone Thursday night, but prosecutors have said they plan to seek the death penalty in the case. Related Stories Yemen Embassy Official Denies Arkansas Military Shooting Suspect Tortured in Jail Lawyer: Arkansas Military Center Shooting Suspect ‘Tortured’ by Islamic Terrorists Family of Soldier Killed Outside Recruiting Center Moved to Arkansas for Peace and Quiet Source: Arkansas Shooting Suspect Searched Targeted Sites on Google Little Rock Shooting Suspect Joins Growing List of Muslim Converts Accused of Targeting U.S. Recruiting Center Shooting Suspect Pleads Not Guilty, Held Without Bail Military Recruiting Center Shooting Suspect Under FBI Investigation Gunman Shoots 2 at Arkansas Military Recruitment Center Photo Essays Military Recruiter Shooting Muhammad was arrested about eight miles from the recruiting center, on Interstate 630, shortly after the shootings. Police said they recovered Molotov cocktails, three guns and ammunition from his pickup truck. An internal law enforcement memo said Muhammad may have considered other targets, including military sites and Jewish organizations in the Southeast. A law enforcement official told the AP in June that Muhammad had been under investigation by an FBI-led terrorism task force since he returned to the United States from Yemen in 2008. Muhammad, who was born Carlos Bledsoe, had moved to Little Rock to work in his father’s Memphis-based tour bus company as it branched out. Muhammad, who has called the AP twice since his arrest, has claimed responsibility for the shooting and said it was justified because of what he called American-directed hostilities toward the Muslim world. Last week, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Herbert Wright Jr. ordered the state public defenders commission to pay some of the legal bills for Muhammad’s trial, which is scheduled to begin in June. Ferguson was hired by Muhammad’s family to represent him.

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Houston Area Muslim Goes On Killing Spree – Kills 5, Beheads 2 Year-Old With Machete Monday, January 25, 2010, 9:51 PM Jim Hoft
A Bellville, Texas man went on a killing spree and murdered 5 family members this past weekend. His fury was so intense that he decapitated his 2-year-old niece with a machete. Maron Thomas, 20, of Bellville, Texas, shot five family members at their home in rural Austin County, Texas. (Miami Herald) A family member told police she believed that anger and Thomas’ conversion to the Muslim religion influenced his actions. reported: A family dispute pushed Maron Thomas to go on a rampage marked by a fury so intense that he decapitated his 2-year-old niece with a machete after killing her and four other family members, Austin County investigators said Wednesday. Thomas, 20, was charged Wednesday with capital murder in the shooting deaths of his mother, stepfather, sister, brother and his niece. He remains in the Austin County Jail with bail set at $1 million. “This is one of the most horrific crimes we’ve had in Austin County,” District Attorney Travis Koehn said. “Austin County is a safe place to live, but unfortunately, we are not immune to the same kinds of crimes that occur in other locations.” The massacre happened between midnight Saturday and 3 a.m. Sunday at the family’s home 7 miles outside the Bellville city limits, on FM 1456 between Buckhorn and Cochran. Thomas then allegedly burglarized a car and was arrested around 3 a.m. after being caught trying to break into a house a mile and a half away while he was naked, investigators said. A neighbor held him at gunpoint until deputies arrived and arrested him on burglary charges. When deputies arrived, he had put on a pair of exercise shorts… Thomas’ sister, Ka’Tara Price, 24, of Houston, said she believes anger and Thomas’ conversion to the Muslim religion influenced his actions. She said she is not aware of him suffering from any mental illness.


Chicago-Bound Amtrak Stalled by Terror Threat Passenger makes a phone call to discuss his terror plot and al-Qaida By AIXA VELEZ Updated 10:26 AM CST, Fri, Jan 29, 2010—83033307.html
Getty Images / Mario Tama An Amtrak train bound for Chicago was stopped suddenly Tuesday when a man began spouting terrorist threats. “We have to work in small groups ... They can hold you for 18 months ... Do they have security on these trains? ... Are you with me or not?” the 64-year-old passenger allegedly said into his cell phone while riding the train, according to Chicago Breaking News Center. Ojore Nuru Lutalo from Elizabeth is currently being held by authorities in Denver. Police said in an affidavit that passengers overheard the man saying he hadn’t killed anyone yet and talked about going to jail. One passenger even heard Lutalo mention al-Qaida. “17th century tactics won’t work, we have 21st century tactics,” Lutalo allegedly said. The conductor was suspicious when he saw the man with a tan blanket over his entire body and couldn’t see anything he was doing. Police said he was not armed or carrying explosives, but carrying propaganda for an anarchist group called Afrikan Liberation Army. Minneapolis’ Star Tribune reported Lutalo was released in August from New Jersey prison after a 27-year term for aggravated assault, robbery and two counts of weapons possession Mug Shots in the News

63 posted on 09/07/2010 2:24:14 PM PDT by RaceBannon (RON PAUL: THE PARTY OF TRUTHERS, TRAITORS AND UFO CHASERS!!!)
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To: HollyB

ping, read

132 posted on 09/07/2010 5:17:05 PM PDT by HollyB
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