Robert Spitzer.
Gay activists started demanding "homosexuality disorder" be dropped around 1970. It was Spitzer who got it changed to "sexual orientation disturbance" around 1974.
He began promoting reparative therapy around 2001 believing highly motivated people can change their sexual orientation.
Spitzer now believes DSM has lead to the medicalization of 20-30 percent of the population who may not have had any serious mental problems.
I offer ADD/ADHD as a primary example of turning "being a boy" into a disorder treatable by drugs.
I am a fan of Psychiatry as observational science. But too often their diagnosis and/or research reflect a political agenda. (The recent study of children of Lesbian couples turning out as good or better than the children of heterosexual couples - funded by a lesbian feminist group, using hand-picked feminist professors)
That’s him, Robert Spitzer.