Posted on 09/05/2010 7:43:23 PM PDT by MamaDearest
A 170-page manual explaining step by step how to molest children which police in Orange County, Fla., believe has been circulating there for months, is not illegal. Investigators have stated that they still want to know where it came from.
"I've never seen anything like it. It was pretty amazing when I first saw it just because how detailed it was," Orange County Sheriff's Office Det. Philip Graves told ABC News Orlando, Fla., affiliate WFTV.
The manual, which was apparently written by someone who calls himself "the mule," is a how-to of child molestation, even explaining where and how to find potential victims, the station reported.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This is probably the infamous “rape and escape” manual produced by the sodomites at NAMBLA.
But Don Imus’ referring to a bunch of thugettes as “nappy headed hos” . . naw, we can’t let that happen
Comment section is interesting. They say this rumor circulates regularly around election time.
It was a good thing, I suppose, that police glommed on to this book. Obviously it can be used by sheriffs, etc. to warn parents. A few D’ohnuts might get ideas, however.
NAMBLA has offered that advice before...I believe they had a website. I don’t know if it’s still up or not. I want these people dead.
I’m a First Amendment absolutist not so much now.
Maybe the “rumor” goes around because there actually is such a book? Someone ought to find out if Graves really had a copy of it.
I’m waiting for WikiLeaks to do something useful like release the membership list of NAMBLA, so we can round ‘em up and take them to a desert island where they can “fiddle about” with each other, and stop stealing the innocent souls of our children.
“Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?” ping.
I -really- like how your mind works.
Can I write a detailed manual on how to castrate and lynch child molesters, using real photos?
I believe there are manuals on how to organize a posse and administer rope justice, too.
Crosses at roadsides are forbidden, and nativity scenes cannot stand alone. Conservative speakers are shouted off campus, and valedictorians cannot mention Christ. And don’t even object to that mosque at Ground Zero.
But this EVIL will be defended by the ACLU.
Some people just need killin, and I’ve got no problem with that.
Ping. It’s a busy night.
Turning all perverts over to Vlad would be the ideal solution to the problem, but instead the morally corrupt legal system believes they have "rights" and re-releases them back into society so they can act out their depraved minds over and over again while innocent children pay the price for judicial "clemency" to the perps.
They need a manual? Damn, the crooks are getting stupid.
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