I and many others don’t know. That’s a legitimate state of mind. I will declare “I don’t know”. Take that, Ebert!
“I and many others dont know. Thats a legitimate state of mind. I will declare ‘I dont know’. Take that, Ebert!”
Exactly! We don’t know. I for one do not recall the President ever being completely clear that he was a Christian. He could clear that up by reading this line from the teleprompter: “Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.”
Pretty simple, but our question was, Is he a Muslim? Why are we unclear on that, pray tell? He could clear that up with another very simple sentence: “I am not a Muslim.”
So if the American people are confused, why doesn’t this most intelligent and eloquent individual we have as President just step up to the teleprompter and clear it up? No one can legitimately blame any American for questioning the President’s beliefs until he is clear about them himself.
So I would add to your statement: Hey, Ebert! Tell the President to speak these words in front of a camera tomorrow: “I am not a Muslim. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.”