“And it is my opinion that the caricature of Reagan now paraded around by the angry Bush despising right is an INSULT to the warmth and reality of the man, himself. It degrades him to take away his humanity, because gods who can do no wrong cannot be given credit for being right.”
By your won statements you are condemned. You correctly view Bush’s main critics in the GOP Party as CONSERVATIVES.
Do back to RINO-Land and take the entire Bush clan and John McCain with you.
THEY gave us Obama.
George W. Bush does not number among them.
Now ZULU, deep in your heart of hearts, you understand that I am a consistent, principled conservative. You know I am an activist, across the board full throttled conservative who walks the walks and has worked harder for conservativism than most of your hate-Bush buddies here. (I don't know if you do anything but type at your computer, so I'm not including you. Maybe you're the exception to the BDS gang, and you actually DO something for conservatism. I don't know).
But this "RINO" garbage has gotten old and stale, and is completely inaccurate.
Use your brain and not your loins and think for a minute.
The reasons millions of solid conservatives support and admire President Bush are obvious.
THINK. And stop making yourself look like a ninny and a leftist like you've done on this thread.
We have a Marxist, baby-killing, troop hating, America hating PUNK in the White House who has selected two Marxists incompetants to the SC, and is running the country into the ground and to the precipice of hell.
When you see a thread that talks about Obama and Bush, set aside your irrational hatred of the man of honor, and focus on the hideous beast who is destroying the country.
It will help your wretched relationship with the real conservatives on this forum. People like ME.
You might actually find you like being rational and never go back to being the troll-imitating ninny who posts garbage like you did on this thread.