Posted on 08/29/2010 12:05:07 PM PDT by Nachum
Presidents aren't meant to be passive. They are meant to lead, be role models, inspire, and most of all be persons who take massive action. President Obama is definitely not a role model, he definitely does not inspire, he is not a person of action, and most of all he doesn't even come close to being a real leader.
It seems that everything Obama does makes things worse, and savvy Americans agree: since he took office we have become increasingly worse off. For roughly two years, he has stood by and let this once-great nation sink under the crushing weight of its unsolved problems. Among many other things, Obama has:
-Allowed Iran to develop nuclear power-which WILL turn into weapons.
-Supported the Muslim drive to build a Mosque across from the 9/11 tragedy's ground zero.
-Failed to stop unemployment from reaching its highest levels ever, with no relief in sight and no worthwhile solutions in the offing.
-Increased spending by an astounding $2.8 trillion.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
From San Francisco? Unexpected!
Oh just go back to your predictable liberal induced stupor.
“It seems that everything Obama does makes things worse”
And buy the way....Most everything you touched has been egged...
Health Care
Race relations
National Debt
But, but, but...I thought only ignorant racists, bigots and bitter clinging hicks didn’t like Obama/s style of presidency...
Presidents are supposed to be viscous when it comes to protecting American citizens, in the manner of Harry Truman.
Adjective: Having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid; having a high viscosity.
Did you mean vicious?
vi·cious Adjective
1. Deliberately cruel or violent.
2. (of an animal) Wild and dangerous to people.
In other news, we are receiving reports of flying pigs...
Why do so many “pundits” believe Hussein to be passive/dumb/misguided/ignorant/wrong-headed/incompetent and the like. Will they never learn that every bit of destruction he has wrought upon this country has been well planned and DELIBERATE!!!
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