Do you really think Muslims care what you think of them? From now on it will become an “in your face” kind of dialog. This is but the beginning.
The sooner that Americans realize that they have been invaded, the better they can prepare of what will be coming. There is no way that this will continue without an ugly climax that will pit Islam and the Left against the rest of America.
Can we say of such Muslims that THEY are making enemies faster than they can kill them.
I think Americans are awake...they just have no Leadership nor unity to take this stuff on. Until this happens, and these Muslims faced toe to toe by American citizens, we will continue to see them ‘rub our faces in their crap’ and laugh at us while they are doing so. They will take our streets just as we see them doing here.
If we oppose them it will be seen as a hate crime....they will sue with Arab dollars backing them....Power and money....the same old story.