The MSM doesn't want us to see these things. Such images get in the way of the “religion of peace” lie. That's why they stopped showing footage of 9/11 right away. They said it was so Americans wouldn't get too “upset” and “depressed”. Of course that never stopped their 24/7 gloom and doom before.
I think we all remember the liberal media smugly saying that we had “lost” the war in Iraq and falling all over themselves to get footage of soldier's coffins. I won't even go in to the never-ending media sob-fest for Katrina victims (mentioned only if you were a victim from New Orleans). I'm sure we all remember THAT only too well.
The video is very graphic of course, but the media could pixelate it and show it if they wanted to. The MSM go out of their way to paint Muslims in a sympathetic light and routinely ignore atrocities such as those portrayed at the link . If a terrorist bomb goes off in Israel, killing and maiming civilians, the MSM goes out of their way to make excuses for the Muslim terrorists.
The film you linked is a prime example of Sharia law and shows vividly the horror of death by stoning. This same set of Barbaric laws are progressing steadily in Europe and trying to find a foothold here in the US.
We must pull our collective heads out of the sand and stop this PC madness. There is nothing peaceful about this so-called religion. It will be us or them and the showdown seems to be approaching at an accelerated rate. (Jim's W)