Because if Republicans retake both houses and turn things around... Obama will claim the credit, just like Clinton did when the Republicans bailed his failed presidency out.
I am more than happy to have gridlock and 10% unemployment for the next 2 years if it means getting rid of Obama for good.
Imagine this... Republicans retake both chambers of congress... start fixing things ... Obama take credit for the turn around then drops Biden and takes on Hillary for his re-election drive... he wins because the economy is looking better and we are not only stuck with him for another 4 years... but then Hillary is then set up for the next 8.... I don't know about you, but that's a risk I am not willing to take. I say let the Obama voters stay unemployed for the next two years and lets drive the Kenyan out of the US come 2012!
Are you suggesting that Liberal voters will vote Conservative if we allow Obama to run this country into Kingdom come? If so, you’re more naive than the undecided voters.
Liberals vote liberal, regardless who is to blame.
How about those Kagan and Soto appointment? Wait until these “judges” really start interpreting from the bench. You thought the Eminent Domain vote was a travesty? Wait until these girls really start working the laws.
You don’t wait until the cancer has metastasized before you start treatment.
In case you missed the news, Obama flat-out stated that his job is to make sure Democrats remain in office during his Hollywood fundraiser last night. Funny, I thought our Commander-In-Chiefs job was to run a country.
At least Obama gets it despite the fact that you don’t. In order for him to continue to implement a radical agenda, he must have the support in both houses and from the bench.
Your strategy is to wait until we’ve lost all ground, then hope that we can make it up (and that is a big HOPE) IN 2012. And if we don’t, oh well. At least we didn’t try, right(?)