Now the truth is out there. By the way, Romney was never a conservative, Why would such a supposed conservative, even anti-Republican (Democrat party does not suck more than Republican party) guy like Beck be pushing such a liberal as Mitt Romney?
He was doing a run down as to how thing looked in April and where the country is at.
"Its a strange, possibly sad conclusion from someone who had called Romney out for flirting with socialism, but ultimately Beck was trying to determine who could win, not who he thought should.
If Beck was playing process of elimination, which he clearly was, its hard to refute his conclusion that Romney is the least likely candidate to crash and burn in a general election, if only for being a conservative from the most liberal state of America and having moderate successes like universal health care under his belt."
Some around here will cut off their nose to spite their face but lets get real we need someone who can stop the bleeding and will win.
Do you have anyone in mind?
In the Scheme of things the people in this nation has given away almost all of this country...
WE need to prepare folks in the various local goverment that defend the constitution so they can be ready to fill higher position in the future.
This is going to take six, ten years to do but in the mean time we need to stop the bleeding!
Do you grasp that?