Islam does not have the right to build. It is a theocracy and not a religion.
It's basic tenet is the overthrow of our EARTHLY form (not heavenly) of government by violent means (jihad), once a warning has been delivered (dawa). Our Constitution Republic is then to be replaced by their Islamic theocracy.
So, nice idea, Wes, that those wanting to be good neighbors wouldn't be doing annoying things to their neihbors, but you are dead wrong on some "right" for their theocracy to be treated as if an enemy can use our rules about religious freedom as a subterfuge to violate the very Constitution they are attempting to manipulate..
And I don't give a rat's ass what the glitterati sophists have to say about this argument. It is dead on, no matter how much they attempt to wrap themselves in some kind of pluralistic open-mindedness.
It’s a case of pearls to swines. 911 is a symbol of an islamic religion’s attack on the world and other religions, and it is really stupid to grant a wish to a pimped “moderate” islam at best; and irresponsible religious leaders and dubious vague religious mandates at the site of a terror attack whose origination emmanated from the same type of shallow moral relativism is completely insane, to the level of the death wish.
It’s like building a temple of soddomy at the site where people have been buried by AIDS.