“All Americans should read some of the Koran - down right chilling!”
Yes, it is, and it’s tough often being derided for stating that truth - I know. But we must keep doing it.
Also, thanks for using the (formerly common) spelling of the Koran. I’d even gone to using the “newer” one with the Q and apostrophe, but it’s a pain, so if Koran is still accepted spelling, I’ll go back to using that (it’s easier:)))))
Guess with the present political correctness AND seeming ignorance of so many, I’d wondered if those mindless masses thought Koran was oriental, even Korean! I’m serious.
Scary what we’re up against, isn’t it?
Completely agree! Why the voters of America elect some of these buffoons is beyond me - the definite dumbing down of society. (Rush had a great spiel yesterday on the “new normal” we have today: Obama asking us to sacrifice yet jets off on multitudes of vaycays; JF Kerry telling us to tighten our belts but tries to tax dodge the yacht; etc. It was excellent...)
I don’t know about the “correct” spelling of Koran - am, too, sick of the PC.
And with a prez who thinks Austrians speak Austrian (Harvard magna, dontchaknow...), it wouldn’t surprise me abt Koreans and the Koran! Cheers!