“Obama is a Liberal Muslim”
The road to really educating the public about this religion and its “holy” book is a long one indeed, if even possible, considering people’s guilt and desire to be politically correct. A guilt almost tied with “white guilt”.
See, if you study and learn the qu’ran and the religion, you’ll find that there is no such thing as a liberal muslim. It’s a contradiction in terms. Those who appear to be liberal muslims fall into two categories: 1} those who (like many “lukewarm” Christians) choose to cherry-pick parts of the qu’ran to suit their comfortable (western) lives and 2) those who feel free, even compelled, to follow the command of Mohammed to lie anytime, anywhere as needed, to further the goals of Muslim world supremacy. All Muslims know that the last 2/3 of the qu’ran (call to violence and subjugate or kill all infidels) supercedes the first (peaceful) part.
I firmly believe BHO falls into the second category.
Obama is at conflict within himself. A true Muslim would never espouse that he is a Christian. He could never be a true believer and openly say he is other than a follower of the Prophet. No, I believe he is a hybrid. Just as Reverend Wright is.