I see where they hit one of our members as well, for keeping an archive of gun self defense articles.
They are suing “Vote For The Worst LLC,” too! At least they are even-handed thieves. They are suing FR as well as DU.
Do they merely target those who re-post the Las Vegas Review-Journal? I have a blog with 50,000 vistors a day and have never once posted one of their articles.
This is organized crime, and it is an attack on the First Amendment rights of the victims. The Justice Dept should file a civil rights and RICO suit.
I wonder if leftist money is behind this shakedown. If the American Revolution has a sequel I would not want to be these guys!
These b*****ds are pushing the limits of civilization. If they sue enough people they may well pick a target that is a bit unhinged and they may get a visit at their office from this person. The results might be quite gory.
Righthaven has achieved the impossible:
It has brought together Democratic Underground, conservative bloggers, marijuana advocates, and second Amendment Supporters (and every other spectrum of political expression) united in opposition to this extortion assault on the Internet.
As well they should unite: Righthaven is a grave danger to the First Amendment.
Liberals doing what they do best - trying to silence opposition. They cannot argue facts or logic, so they use their power to redicule and shut down opponents.
We MUST continue speaking truth to power.
Naming Righthaven LLC bottom feeders is being too kind.
Remember Saul Alinsky. Use their own rules against them!
I hope that the rumors that I hear are true: that owners of these blogs and websites are banding together to beat this guy at his own game, in court. He is operating a shakedown racket that depends in large measure on his ability to coerce his targets into an out of court settlement.
I would welcome a fund raising campaign to solicit donations to a collective defense effort that would pool resources and develop a multi-pronged attack on this bottomfeeder.
Righthaven LLC -- a bottom feeding legal outfit -- has teamed up with the Las Vegas Review-Journal to sue 'mom and pop' websites, as well as nonprofit, political action, community action, writers, and forum board operators for copyright violations.
Any possibility of organizing a national demonstration in front of the LVJR? Attract lots of local and national publicity and ask subscribers and advertisers to join the boycott by refusing to do business with the LVJR?
I’m surprised that the Electronic Frontier Foundation hasn’t mounted an effort Rightshaven in defense of fair use, or perhaps they have and I just haven’t heard about it. They’d be an obvious ally in fighting this.
Here’s a question for Freeper lawyers (not JimRob since he is a party to a suit in his official capacity as owner of FR):
Could Righthaven be counter sued if they do not file DMCA take down notices? Could a hair trigger lawsuit when another avenue is open and authorized by the Congress be considered a Tort itself?
Greed at its worse.