To: Cheetahcat
You are being too nice to the Muslim in Chief. But, he puts his feet on the desk in order to show us lowly citizens of this once great country(hopefully great again after Obama)that we are no better than the dirt he walks on and that he walks all over us(that’s what the symbolism of showing the soles of the feet/shoes means in the Muslim world, and there is no doubt in my mind that Osh—head is a Muslim).
72 posted on
08/14/2010 3:19:06 PM PDT by
To: izzatzo
“You are being too nice to the Muslim in Chief. But, he puts his feet on the desk in order to show us lowly citizens of this once great country(hopefully great again after Obama)that we are no better than the dirt he walks on and that he walks all over us(thats what the symbolism of showing the soles of the feet/shoes means in the Muslim world, and there is no doubt in my mind that Oshhead is a Muslim).”
Exactly and your point is well taken here.
76 posted on
08/14/2010 3:24:23 PM PDT by
(Zero the Wright kind of Racist! We are in a state of War with Democrats)
To: izzatzo
What is it about muslims and the bottom of their shoes? We see obama with his filthy feet on our desk showing the bottom of his shoes.He’s a muslim and is sending a message to the muslim world.
109 posted on
08/14/2010 4:47:02 PM PDT by
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