At some point, this country is going to have to have a national conversation/debate about what consititutes a “religion.” Reno and gang certainly had NO PROBLEM turning Waco into a war zone, did they? I’ll NEVER forget those images. Just SAYING something is a “religion” does not make it so. Example: One can proclaim that polygamy is a tenet of his religion, but he will run smack up against laws that will conflict with it. What if a “religion” required parents to sacrifice all their female babies on a funeral pyre? Hopefully, we as a nation would neither tolerate it nor allow it to sneak in under the guise of “religion.” Islam is merely political tyranny/torture masquerading as a “peaceful religion” and therefore does not warrant the protection that our founders envisioned.
Satan is turning our religious freedom into a sword, which he plans to use against us. The battle is shaping up before our eyes.