Who is buying and who is selling. Over simplify so we more ancient folk cam understand. Suppose a storekeeper buys horse shoes for say $300 per hundred pounds and of course has to mark up so as to make a little profit. A week after he receives his shipment the price drops 15%. Is that a good thing when the value of his stock in trade suddenly falls by 15%. The logger, farmer, butcher, baker, or do-whitchit maker all sees the value of his product decline, it begins with folks like FDR and whining TROLLS flooding the media with falsehoods.
Whether thou art a troll or just a funning with us, you do those of us still around from the great FDR depression no favor by falsifying facts and events.
Right Turns
Caddis the Elder
” Whether thou art a troll or just a funning with us, “
In all fairness, Blam (who is in no sense of the word, a ‘troll’) did not write this article - he merely posted it from an outside source for our perusal and discussion..
And since this has been a fairly lively - and reasonably coherent - discussion, I’d say that Blam did pretty well with this article.....